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Q: Which cultural element was introduced in Australia and New Zealand by British colonists?
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What type of people were the first British colonists Australia?

The first British colonists in Australia were convicts who had been transposed from England for various crimes, along with the marines to guard them, and the officers who were in charge of administrating and developing the new colony.

How many pigs are there in Australia?

Pigs were introduced into Australia with the First Fleet, which arrived on 26 January 1788. Among the livestock and provisions, 32 pigs are listed as being on the First Fleet. Pigs were introduced purely for food, as the British colonists had no food supplies already established: thus, they relied on livestock until they could get some crops growing.

Who introduced the pig into Australia?

Pigs were introduced into Australia with the First Fleet, which arrived on 26 January 1788, under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip. Among the livestock and provisions, 32 pigs are listed as being on the First Fleet. Pigs were introduced purely for food, as the British colonists had no food supplies already established: thus, they relied on livestock until they could get some crops growing.

Why were foxes brought to Australian environment?

The European Red fox (vulpes vulpes) was first introduced to Australia by British colonists in order to hunt for sport near Melbourn Victoria in 1845. Since it has become a severe environmental problem.

What crops did the Native Americans introduced to British colonists living in north America?

There are many . Corn, tomatoes, chocolate are just three.

Were the first colonists to come to Australia British or Dutch?

The British were the first official colonists in Australia. The First Fleet arrived in Port Jackson on 26 January 1788, after bringing British convicts, officers and marines, as well as some of the marines' families. However, there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that the first unofficial colonists were survivors of Dutch shipwrecks off the Western Australian coastline during the early 1600s.

What happened in Australia in 2002?

I was born.... But you probably mean the passing of the Australia Acts. The Australia Act was a piece of legislation passed by both the Commonwealth Parliament (Australia) and the British Parliament. Its effect was to remove the ability for the British Parliament to legislate with effect in Australia, the British government to rule in Australia and to remove British courts as courts of appeal from Australian courts.

What type of people were the first British colonist in Australia?

The first British colonists in Australia were convicts who had been transposed from England for various crimes, along with the marines to guard them, and the officers who were in charge of administrating and developing the new colony.

Why did the colonists fight of british?

The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

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Why did pigs get introduced to Australia?

Pigs were introduced into Australia as a supply of food with the First Fleet, which arrived on 26 January 1788. Among the livestock and provisions, 32 pigs are listed as being on the First Fleet. Pigs were introduced purely for food, as the British colonists had no food supplies already established: thus, they relied on livestock until they could get some crops growing.

What was the term applied by the british to the colonists?

The colonists called the British soldiers Red Coats. This is because of the uniforms they wore, which were red. The British called the colonists Yankees.