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Good Friday! for more information - Thursday (the day before good Friday is the Last Supper the disciples have with Jesus. This day is also when Judas betrays Jesus and turns him in for money. Good Friday is the day Jesus has his trial - is sentenced to death - and is killed (Look at the stations of the cross.) He is buried after he is dead. Saturday - is when he is in his tomb (this is called the Easter Vigil.) Sunday - Easter Sunday! this is a happy time because Jesus rose from the dead!!


The annual Holy Day commanded and recorded by God in Leviticus 23 in The Bible: the "Passover" -- see Luke 22.

"Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew nigh, which is called the PASSOVER... Then came the day of unleavened bread, WHEN THE PASSOVER MUST BE KILLED. And He [Jesus] sent Peter and John saying, 'GO AND PREPARE US THE PASSOVER, that we may eat... And they went... and THEY MADE READY THE PASSOVER[not the Easter]. And when the hour [commanded and recorded in God's Word] was come, He [Jesus] sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him.


This Passover occurred that year [31a.d.] on the evening of the day of the week we call "Tuesday," today; but which was actually the "night before" the day of the week we call "Wednesday," today: which is how God reckons the beginning of a new day, "at sundown."

In other words... Jesus kept the Passover that He commanded Moses and the Israelites to keep - FOREVER in Leviticus 23: the first annual Holy Day of the year which always pointed to what Jesus was about to undergo -- being murdered by His creation, man, for their sins. And on this momentous, long-awaited Passover, Jesus caused to be recorded by Luke THE WAY FUTURE PASSOVERS WERE TO BE OBSERVED; with the symbols of the "bread and wine."

"...THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME..." (Luke 22:19).

It's the bloody and necessary bloodletting of the "Passover" that is commanded by God to be observed by His servants that REMEMBERS JESUS' SELFLESS SACRIFICE FOR HIS CREATION! THAT'S what He commands His servants to REMEMBER... until He comes back.

And it's the "PASSOVER" that Paul commands God's servants to observe... not His "resurrection" [or "Easter" -- the ancient pagan Babylonian goddess of fertility that modern professing false Christianity observes "Thou shalt have no other gods {or goddesses} before Me"].

"...For even Christ OUR PASSOVER is sacrificed for us: therefore LET US KEEP THE FEAST [of Unleavened Bread, which begins the day after the Passover: see Lev.23:5-6]..." (I Cor.5:7-8).

The Passover is God's "memorial" of His Son's Selfless Sacrifice for us, that "remembers" and "commemorates" His DEATH!

That year [31a.d]... the Passover fell on the day of the week we call "Wednesday"... which was exactly three days and three nights away from the day Jesus arose from the grave: that "Saturday" evening just before sundown. The same exact time of day on "Wednesday" that Jesus was buried.

Jesus wasn't "ris-ING" on the day we call "Sunday" [what we call the first day of the modern week; the days of which are named after man's pagan gods]. The Bible says that He IS ris-EN" -- PAST TENSE!

So, the day that "commemorates" Jesus' DEATH isn't a consistent "day of any week"... but the Holy [high-day Sabbath] that God commands in His Holy Word, that His servants are to observe, annually: FOREVER. It's called the "Passover."

"...this DO in remembrance of Me...".

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12y ago

Christmas (December 25) is a memorial of Jesus Christ's birth.

Easter (a Sunday usually in April) is a memorial of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Other days (Such as Palm Sunday) may also be used to memorialize Jesus Christ, depending on the denomination.

Jehovah's Witnesses observe the memorial of Jesus Christ's death after sundown on Nisan 14, whatever day that falls on in the Gregorian calendar, usually March - April. Contact your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses for dates, times and locations.

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12y ago

On Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, we remember Jesus' Death and Burial.

Easter is aligned with the Jewish Passover which is based on the full moon, so Passover, Easter, and Good Friday is not a set date on the calendar.

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12y ago

According to the bible there is no day to commemorate Jesus's birth, crucifixion, resurrection or ascention. The holidays of Christmas and Easter have their origins in the worship of pagen gods.

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9y ago

The Sunday after Good Friday is called Resurrection Day.

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With which holiday do you associate good Friday?

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What day commemorates christ's death and burial?

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What does the church remember on Good Friday.?

Good Friday is the day that Jesus Christ was condemned to death in Jerusalem by Pontius Pilot. He carried the cross to Calvary and was nailed to it. With his last breath he asked God to forgive his persecutors, for they did not know what they were doing.

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It's the day on which Christians remember the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

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It showed the death of christ and then marked the day as good friday; the day christ gave his life for our sins(bad mistakes). Then, three days later, christ rose from the dead and then ascended into heaven 40 days later. The day he rose from the dead is nowadays known as easter.