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Q: Which degree burn should not be put in water?
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What do you do for a second degree burn?

There are not many things you would not do. Unlike a 3rd degree, you can put gels on it.

What do i treat a burn on my hand with?

In order to treat a burn on your hand it is important to know what type of burn it is. A superficial burn (known as a first degree burn) should be placed under cool running water. A partial-thickness burn (known as a second degree burn) will typically blister and should be submerged in cool water. A full-thickness burn (known as a third degree burn) is a serious medical condition and 911 should be called.

What helps a 30 degree burn?

Put cold water on it. I tried, and it worked.

What should you wash a second degree burn with?

Rinse it gently under cool water, then put an icepack on it wrapped in a clean washcloth and go to the emergency room.

Is it safe to put after-sun cream on a second-degree burn?

After-sun cream should be safe for a second degree burn but you may want to check with a doctor to be sure that it won't cause the burn to blister or scar.

What should you put on a hot soup burn when you burn your hand?

Lots of cold water as quickly as possible.

Do you run your third degree burn under cold water for ten minutes?

If you have a third-degree burn, get to the hospital IMMEDIATELY. Don't do anything, but especially don't put butter on the wound- It will do more harm than good.

Is it safe to put ice or cold water on a third degree burn?

No. Use warm water. I can't remember what cold water or ice does but it makes it worse somehow.

How should you treat a burn?

For a first degree burn (redness), you should cool the skin with aloe, gels, ice packs, or cool water. For a second degree burn (blisters) you can do the same as a first degree burn, but be extra careful not to pop any blisters. For a third degree burn (charred skin), Do not apply anything to the bun. Gently cover it with a sterile bandage and seek professional medical help.

What will doctors do if you have a first degree burn?

They may run it under water. They may apply an ice pack. They may put Aloe Vera on it.

The first thing you do for a first degree burn is to put blank on it?

You can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack. Aloe Vera gel/spray also works.

Do you put toothpaste on burns?

Depending on the cause and degree of the burn different treatments should be used. In most cases running the affected area under RUNNING cold water for 10 minutes or until the affected area loses most of the burning pain sensation. Some people recommend that the area should then be wrapped in something to block infection, suitable materials are things like clingfilm or even a plastic shopping bag NOT any form of clothing or fabric as this will most likely stick into the burn and cause more problems later on, DO NOT use COTTON WOOL. This may be more for a third degree burn, but it may just be best to get immediate medical attention. No. For first and second degree burns run cold water over them. For third degree burns do not put them under cold water, seek emergency medical assistance immediately. Never put anything like toothpaste on a burn of any kind.