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Q: Which demensioning method permits the accumulation of errors and should be avoided?
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Which dimensioning method permits the accumulation of errors and should be avoided?

TOLERANCE STACKING: From: Page 347,Technical Drawing Book, Custom Edition of ITT-Technical Institute. Comment by A. Vives.

Which dimensioning method permits the accumulation of errors?

Tabular dimensioning

Why should parallax errors be avoided?

parral error should be avoided cause it can cause a disaster

Why can't errors be avoided?

Because no one is infallible.

How do you prevent syntax in programming?

Not possible; syntax cannot be avoided. (Syntax errors can be though.)

Are errors stoppable?

yes and no some can be avoided some can't its what wise folk call Affirmative Action is what you use to stop errors but it only human nature for errors we aren't cold lifeless machines ;)

Why do you have to measure length repeatedly?

Repeated measurement ensures that errors are avoided or reduced. In woodwork there is an old saying, "Measure twice, Cut once."

How medical errors can be avoided?

By concentrating while working, paying attention in medical school and during your internship/residency, and by knowing your procedures well.

When is it better to use a fraction a decimal or a percent?

The answer depends on the form with which you are more comfortable. The main disadvantage of using decimal fractions is that they may result in an accumulation of rounding errors.

Distinguish between determinate error and indeterminate error?

Indeterminate errors are random errors that randomly fluctuate and cannot be eliminated. Determinate errors

The thery of dividing by zero?

Dividing by zero can cause all sorts of errors (like "proving" that 1 = 0), so division by zero is strictly avoided in modern math.

How can refractive surgery be avoided?

Patients with myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or presbyopia, can wear contact lenses or eyeglasses instead of having refractive surgery to improve their refractive errors.