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Well if you have Breast cancer you would be refereed to a lab ultra sound and mammogram then you are sent to a surgeon which would locate the tumor and then give you a surgery date to go in and take the cancer out give you a little bit of recovery time then they set you up a appointment so you can get set up for radiation and chemotherapy if its needed they like to make sure they have all the power they need and cover all bases.

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Q: Which department should you go to treat breast cancer?
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What is the treatment for breast cancer?

You can treat the breast cancer with any of the following treatmentSurgeryRadiation therapyChemotherapyHormone therapyTargeted therapyBone-directed therapyAlong with you can have taken the medicine to treat breast cancer. Buy Evista online to treat the breast cancer

Can breast cancer be treated with stem cells?

Stem cell treatment is used to treat advanced breast cancer.

How do you treat breast cancer?

I think that breast cancer can only be treated by going to your doctor who will send you to a cancer hospital you cant treat it on your own it needs prescribed drugs depending how bad it is but it is very important that you are seen by a specialist doctor and you have to have chemotherapy

How can one define the meaning of Aromatase inhibitors?

The meaning of Aromatase inhibitors can be defined as drugs that are used to treat ovarian and breast cancer in postmenopausal women. There are currently two types of Aromatase inhibitors that are approved to treat breast cancer.

What surgery do they do to treat breast cancer?

needle biopsy, regular biopsy, mastectomy, lumpectomy,

When is breast chemotherapy not an option?

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is not an option when the patient is to sick to undergo it, or their body cannot tolerate it. Usually the more advanced the cancer the harder to treat it with just chemotherapy.

Why does Breast Cancer treatment always include Chemotherapy?

Systemic Treatment:- Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that targets cancer cells throughout the body. It helps eliminate any undetected cancer cells, reducing the risk of recurrence. Adjuvant Therapy:- Chemotherapy is often used as an adjuvant therapy to prevent cancer from returning after surgery. Specific Situations:- In certain cases, chemotherapy may shrink tumors before surgery or treat aggressive cancers. For effective Chemotherapy in Hyderabad, patients should consult specialized oncology centers for personalized treatment plans.

What are the more successful breast cancer treatment options?

There are many different options for breast cancer treatment. There are no cures for cancer. Some options for treatment include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and homeopathic remedies. The best course of treatment depends on the individual and how advanced the cancer is.

Catch Breast Cancer Early ?

Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women each year. Many survive the disease and subsequent treatment but others are too late in being diagnosed and are not fortunate enough to receive a good prognosis when dealing with their breast cancer. This disease is a tricky one because it often does not have any symptoms. Women look for signs of breast cancer on a regular basis, but many women experience no symptoms at all. Those that do experience symptoms may have a better chance of being diagnosed earlier, which means a better chance of survival. Even when you have a lump in your breast, which is the most telling sign that you are facing breast cancer, it may be too small for you to feel during a routine self breast exam. When a lump is noticeable in the breast, one that is rough, jagged around the edges and hard to touch is likely cancer. However, even if you notice a soft, rounded lump it is not necessarily benign; some women have felt this type of lump only to be diagnosed as breast cancer by a doctor. Anytime you notice any sort of lump in your breast you should have your doctor check you for cancer. The American Cancer Society encourages women to be on the lookout for symptoms such as swelling in any portion of the breast, dimpling or irritation of the skin on the breast, pain in the breast and/or a lump in the area under the arm. Each of these symptoms is indicative of breast cancer and should be followed up on with a doctor immediately. In addition, there are several ways your nipples will let you know if you are suffering from breast cancer. Should your nipples begin turning inward or become painful, turn red or scaly or begin to thicken or if they are excreting anything other than breast milk you should have your breasts checked by your doctor immediately. The earlier breast cancer is caught, the better. Early stage breast cancer is easier to treat than cancer in a later stage, which means your chance of surviving breast cancer is far greater.

What to do After Breast Cancer?

In order to treat breast cancer in its early stages, it is recommended that there be more than one approach. Pinpoint what type of breast cancer it is, determine how fast it will spread, and to which parts of the body. After that, it is important for the patient to choose a type of treatment to remove the cancer.

What is Tamoxifen used for?

It is used to compeate with the estregen in your body and lowers your estregen levels

When is an orchiectomy performed to treat cancers other than testicular?

An orchiectomy may also be performed to treat prostate cancer or cancer of the male breast, as testosterone causes these cancers to grow and metastasize (spread to other parts of the body).