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Q: Which derived character appeared first during the course of the plants evolution?
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What is the process of change over time?

Evolution, of course! Biological evolution.

How is fossil evidence of evolution dissproved?

A classic way to disprove evolution by means of fossils would be to find a fossil rabbit in Pre-Cambrian sedimentary rocks. Of course, that can never happen.

Are organisms able to consciously direct the course of their own evolution?

No. Evolution is a consequence of selective pressure(s) from the environment acting on organisms. Virtually all living beings are not conscious of this process.The only species that *could* consciously direct its own evolution is Homo sapiens (humans), but currently it doesn't.Artificial selection can and has consciously directed evolution, but it always was a species acting over other different species, not on their own evolution.

What type of evolution is human evolution?

Human evolution is no different from the evolution of any other species of plant or animal. Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors survived by being the better competitor for resources in their environment in their gene pool. The genes that enabled this better survivability were passed on, until the majority of the population were adapted to their environment etc:. homo habilis or homo sapiens or primates

What is a catalyst character?

A catalyst is a character tha brings about change in the story. For example, a catalyst's actions could cause one character to lose trust in another, or something of the sorts. Basically, if the story takes a different course because of a certain character, that character would be a catalyst.

Related questions

What derived characteristics appeared first during the course of plant evolution?

The first would probably have been the more permanent endosymbiosis between the strain of eukaryotic cell that is the basis of the plant kingdom and the cyanobacteria that would become its chloroplasts.

What is the process of change over time?

Evolution, of course! Biological evolution.

What is contingent evolution?

Contingent evolution is one of the forces of Darwin's theory of evolution. It is based on the concept of how power of accidents and happenstance shape the course of evolution.

What is a mechanism by which evolution can occur?

Selective Breeding of course!

Does Ratatata have an evolution?

ya of course keep trying

What language is the word biscuit derived from?

Latin and the word it's derived from is bis source:Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1

Can evolution be measured?

Somewhat. They even have a unit for it. Called a darwin, of course.

What is speciaion?

speciation is the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution

Who is A character who changes during the course of a story?

A dynamic character. A dynamic character changes, while a static character does not.

What do you call a character that changes during the course of a story?

A dynamic character.

What is the word static character means?

a Static Character means that the character does not change much in the course of a story.

A true conclusion cannot be derived validly from false premises?

That's correct. The validity of an argument depends on both the form of the argument and the truth of the premises. If the premises are false, then even if the argument is logically valid, the conclusion cannot be considered true.