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Q: Which diagram best represents the appearance of the cell after it has been placed in a 15 salt solution for two minutes?
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There are 40 minutes in 2/3 hour, diagram or not.

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If you mix water and vinegar (acetic acid) it forms a homogeneous solution (mixture). Shaking it and letting it stand for 5 minutes will not change the appearance or the composition of the solution. So, basically noting happens.

How many minutes is two thirds of an hour draw a diagram or illustration?

40 minutes. Draw a picture of 8 o'clock.

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Minutes (and seconds) are finer subdivisions of degrees. There are 60 minutes in a degree, so a minute represents 1/60th of a degree.

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Penny Marko makes her first appearance a few minutes from Marko's first appearance and before he transforms into the Sandman.

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This requires a bit of physics, which can be done:d represents distance, m represents miles, v represents velocity and trepresents time. and mph represents miles per hourd = v * tt = d/v = 600 m/55 mph = 10.9 h which converts to (9/10)h in which there are 60 minutes in an hour, so h = 60, meaning that (9/10)h = (9/10)(60) = 9*6 since 60/10 = 6 and it factors, so 9 * 6 = 54 minutes, so the solution is 10 h, 54 min or 10 hours and 54 minutes in simplified form.

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It is 45/60, which can be simplified, if required.

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It is 50/60 which can be simplified, if required.

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59 minutes

How do you kill coliform?

Surfaces can be disinfected with a 20% bleach solution and should be kept wet with the solution for at least 30 minutes.

How might you separate a solution of salt water?

You can pour the solution into a tray and set in in sun light and leave it for several minutes.

What are the identification tests for citric acid?

make a solution of compound,add NH4Oh to it,boil,,,,till we cant smell it add CaCl2solution. No ppt. ,heat for 2 minutes...appearance of white ppt. confirms citric acid.....the white ppt. is of calcium citrate.