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In picking which diet is healthier, low sodium vs. low cholestorol the answer is neither. Choosing one or the other of these two diets depends on ones own dietary needs, A low sodium diet isn't going to help you if you already have low sodium eating habits and vise versa for cholesterol diets.

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Q: Which diet is generally healthier, low sodium or lower cholesterol?
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Where can I find dinner recipes where the meal is low in cholesterol?

I have heard that their are cookbook specific to healthier cooking. The first one that comes to mind is the "weight watchers" cookbook. It tends to have recipes lower in cholesterol and sodium and fat.

What is a good diet plan to lower cholesterol?

You can lower your cholesterol pretty easily by eating foods that are high in whole grains, and low in sodium. Try this website for more information.���cholesterol/���low-cholesterol-foods.html

Does refrigerating farm fresh eggs increase cholesterol level of egg?

Actually farm fresh eggs are healthier, lower in cholesterol and higher in omega 3.

What is the pravastatin sodium tablets?

A medication in the "statin" category used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Does the cereal honey nut cheerios actually lower cholesterol?

Cheerios is a cholesterol lowering food. It contains soluble fiber which acts as a sponge soaking up portions of cholesterol in the body so that it may help lower the risk of heart disease and clogged arteries. Also Cheerios is a cholesterol free cereal. For more information on Cheerios cereal look at this website

Is cheerios known and proven to help lower cholesterol, and a good diet plan?

A lower cholesterol diet can be found with eating a lot more fruits and vegetables and making sure to watch you sodium and sugar intake. Eating healthy is key.

What foods can you eat that will help lower cholesterol and still satisfy your craving for sweets?

It is possible to satisfy your sweet tooth and help lower cholesterol. You need to choose healthier foods for your desserts. Some examples are eating graham crakers, lowfat frozen yogurt, and angel food cake.

How can you safely and effectively lower your cholesterol?

You can lower you cholesterol by eating healthier foods. Foods rich in soluble fiber such as oatmeal, bran, and bananas help. Also helpful are foods with omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish. Another good food to eat is nuts, such as almonds and walnuts.

what is a good diet to go on to lower my cholesterol?

There are many diets out there that can help lower your cholesterol, and most are good for you. But it is always best to check with your doctor to see which one they would recommend. You may have other underlying health issues that may prevent you from using one diet over another. one website that can help you to eat a little healthier to lower your cholesterol is

What are foods that are high in protein but also help lower your cholesterol?

Red meat is very high protein but it is commonly known to have high cholesterol. Try some skinless baked chicken breast and or some fish for a healthier alternative.

Is there a possibility that eggplant can lower cholesterol?

eggplant cholesterol made lower

Does eating healthier foods lower your cholesterol?

Yes healthy food does lower cholesterol when it is full of unsaturated fat. Foods like olive oils or fish. Do not eat meat as contents of meats such as pork and beef contain high levels of saturated fat which increases cholesterol. instead try to eat fruits in five servings and vegetables in the same or more amount.