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The moon goes in the direction of its orbit

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Q: Which direction does the moon move in as it crosses the sky?
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What direction does the moon move across the sky at night?

it depends where on the earth you are standing

What direction does the moon appear to move across the sky each day?

east 2 west

Does the moon move east across the sky?

the moon isnt in the sky its in space

Why does the moon appear to move eastward across the sky?

Each night at the same time the moon is further east because that is the direction that the moon orbits the earth. It gets round in about a month.

Which way do the patterns of shadow and light move across the moon?

The Moon travels across the sky in the same direction as the Sun; Its' leading edge is the point at which phase changes start and move from right to left.

What direction did Regulus move across the sky from?

Regulus stars appear to move across the sky from East to West (:

Does the moon appear to move across the sky from west to east?

No, it does not.

What direction does the sun moon and stars move across the sky?

Since Earth's surface is rotating toward the east, "fixed" celestial bodies appear to be moving toward the west.

Why does the moon move across the sky?

because the Earth is rotating and the Moon is orbiting the Earth by gravity

Why does the sun and the moon seem to move westward in the sky?

The reason they seem to move at all is that we are standing on a rotating ball (the Earth) while we look at them. The direction of rotation of the Earth makes it look as though other objects - not just the Sun and Moon but the stars also - are moving westwards.

What direction does skies move?

In this context, the sky doesn't move, but the earth rotates creating the illusion that the sky moves (unless you mean clouds which is a different issue altogether.). The sky appears to move from east to west.

What makes the stars appear to move accros the night sky and in what direction do they move?

because the earth moves(: