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Q: Which disease involve the breakdown of the AIR SACS?
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A disease involving the breakdown of the air sacs in the lungs is?


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Air sacs; blood vessels that surround the air sacs

Which disease affects the air sacs of the lungs and is common among cigeratte smokers?


What are air sacs?

The bronchi continue to divide into smaller and smaller branches until they end in air sacs. The air sacs in the lungs are called alveoli.

What has more oxygen air sacs or blood?

air sacs

What fishes have air sacs and can gulp air?

Labryinth fish have air sacs and can gulp air.

What is the medical term meaning disease in which tiny air sacs in the lungs are destroyed making breathing difficult?


What color is your air sacs?

The color of your air sacs are a peach color.

What takes air into the air sacs?

air sacs are in the lungs and when you breathe in blood carries it to the lungs.

Which substances are exehanged between the blood in the capillaries and the air in the air sacs?

Oxygen moves into the capillaries from the air sacs. Carbon dioxide moves out the the capillaries into the air sacs.

Do sharks Have air Sacs?

No, sharks don't have air sacs. Instead they have gills.

Why do lungs have lots of air sacs?

Because the air sacs carry oxygen to the blood!