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Q: Which document said that all settlers in Jamestown had the same rights as the people in England?
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What country did the Jamestown settlers come from?

the people that settled in Jamestown came from England in 1607

Who lives in New England?

Jamestown settlers were the type of people that lived in colonial New England. Also, British American settlers lived in colonial New England.

How were England settlers different from Jamestown settlers?

The settlers were, in fact, both British. Jamestown settlers were mainly from London (England). However, 50% of the Jamestown settlers were classed as "gentlemen". These were not working class men but were landowners and people who did not do manual labour. This caused issues as they did not have the necessary skills like carpenters, builders farmers and blacksmith which were needed to initiate the building of the colony.

Who lived in England in?

Jamestown settlers were the type of people that lived in colonial New England. Also, British American settlers lived in colonial New England.

Who lived in colonial Connecticut in the 1740's?

the dutch and the swedish tom hooker was the founder of the colony of connecticut

What country started Jamestown?

Jamestown was settled by people from England.

Why did the Powhatan kill hundreds of Jamestown settlers?

because when the Jamestown people came and settled they had more people come they started pushing people off their land

What was the religion of the Jamestown people?

The Jamestown people were primarily Anglican or members of the Church of England. However, there were also individuals of other Christian denominations present in the Jamestown settlement, such as Catholics and Puritans.

How many Jamestown settlers survived the starving time?

60 People survived

What is the difference between the government of Jamestown Virginia and Plymouth Massachusetts?

Much of the contrast between the two colonies had to do with the reason they came to America. Jamestown settlers sought economic gain and were sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, an organization that wanted to expand English trade and get a wider market for Britainâ??s manufactured products. New England settlers moved to America due to the religious persecution they had suffered in England. While most people in the Jamestown colonies were members of the Church of England, the Pilgrims were dissenters from the Church of England and established the Puritan Church.

How were the experiences of Jamestown settlers and pilgrims alike. How were they different?

Jamestown had no food due to the starving time and the pilgrims had food due to sharing with the Indians that's how they're different and Jamestown people are settlers in the new world like the pilgrimsJamestown had no food due to the starving time and the pilgrims had food due to sharing with the Indians that's how there different and Jamestown people are settlers in the new world like the pilgrams

How were the experience of Jamestown settlers and pilgrims alike how were they different?

Jamestown had no food due to the starving time and the pilgrims had food due to sharing with the Indians that's how they're different and Jamestown people are settlers in the new world like the pilgrimsJamestown had no food due to the starving time and the pilgrims had food due to sharing with the Indians that's how there different and Jamestown people are settlers in the new world like the pilgrams