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Dogs cannot double-date of course. But 1 wants the female and must fight to get the female. That's the only way to see who gets the female. If they keep fighting you should get rid of the female or a male, or the 2 males..

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All the above. Although it usually will be male / male or female / female, any combination is likely as all sofa are territorial.

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Q: Which dogs fight 2 females or male and male and female or 2 males?
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You can get these from Drs. Foster and Smith on the web for females and males.

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It is possible for unneutered males to fight over a female in heat, especially if they are in close proximity. To prevent conflict, it's important to supervise interactions and consider neutering your male dog to reduce aggression and territorial behavior.

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Generally male and female dogs get along better than two males or two females.

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A female hyena is typically called a female hyena, and although as a doglike species you could also use the term for dogs, most articles refer to female hyenas as females. Interestingly, the spotted hyena females outweigh the males and are the leaders, but this is not true with other hyenas.

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A female hyena is typically called a female hyena, and although as a doglike species you could also use the term for dogs, most articles refer to female hyenas as females. Interestingly, the spotted hyena females outweigh the males and are the leaders, but this is not true with other hyenas.

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Dogs can display aggressive behaviors during mating time, especially if they are not properly trained or socialized. It is important for dog owners to be aware of these potential behaviors and to take appropriate measures to ensure a safe and controlled mating process. Professional assistance may be needed to manage aggression during mating time.

Why choose a male rottweiler over a female?

Its down to individual prefernce, both the males and females are fantastic dogs. A lot of people do not want a female because of their seasons, other dogs hanging around and the cost of getting them spayed. Also male rottweilers tend to be bigger, however I have seen females, which are as big as males, with a bigger heads, but I think that was probably more down to their bloodline and genetics.

Why do a lot of dogs fight?

a lot of dogs usually feel more dominant. so they fight to seek the weaker one and the stronger one. ==== Dogs fight for many reasons: pack status, territory, and fear being the three most common. Males will also fight for females, and any dog that is hungry enough will fight for food. However, most dogs will try to avoid fighting, and will only do it as a last resort.

What is the diffrenc between a male and female dog?

Male dogs have a penis and testicles and female dogs have a uterus and vagina. Males are typically larger than females. Males are usually less expensive when it comes to buying from a good breeder and its usually cheaper to neuter a male than to spay a female due to it not being as invasive of a surgery. Males can be more aggressive but proper training or lack there of can ;ead a dog either way.

Will male dogs still fight over a spayed female dog?

Yes, but if both males are "fixed" then its most likely they will lose intereest, but they will still probably fight for territorial reasons.

I have an English bulldog female and a Basset Hound female they have been together since they were about 3 months old they are both now 2 years old why do they fight they just started?

It is never advisable to keep two female dogs together as both dogs will want to become dominant. In some cases, keeping two females together can be worse than keeping two males, as females can be even more dominant. Sometimes getting the dog's spayed may help, but otherwise you need to show that YOU are the dominant one so that they do not need to fight between themselves to find out who is dominant. Eventually your two dogs should sort out their pecking order and settle down. In the future, get two dogs of opposite genders.

Are shihpoo dogs easy to potty train?

Yes, but females are easier than males to potty train. My toy poodles female was trained at three months to a puddle pad.