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Several types of drugs can cause miosis, the abnormal constriction of the pupil. Among these drugs are opioids such as hydrocodone, heroin, etc.; cholinergics such as carbachol and muscarine; phencyclidine (PCP); GHB; and anti-psychotics.

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Q: Which drug contracts pupil in the dark?
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Why do the pupil contracts and expands?

In dim light, your pupil expands. In bright light, your pupil contracts. Your pupil contracts in bright light because not as much light is needed to see. Same thing with dim light, your pupil expands in dim light because there is more light needed to see. Because there is not as much light in a closet than in an open field your pupil contracts and expands to let in more light or let in less light, depending on were you are at and how dark it is.

Pupil gets larger it dilates pupil gets smaller it?


Does the pupil grow?

Yes. if ur in the dark, hold a mirror and then turn a lite on. ur pupil then contracts

Where does the iris go when your pupil dilates?

The surrounding tissue just expands and contracts with pupil ajustment

How pupil helps us to see from dark region to lighted one?

the pupil contracts and expands in response to light. In dark areas, the pupil will expand allowing more light to enter allowing us to see better in darkness. In well lit areas it will contract allowing less light to enter, allowing us to see in better detail

The result of the pupil of your eye in a dark room?

Your pupil expands in the dark in order to obtain more light.

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When does pupil contract?

The pupil contracts when they are exposed to bright light (ie: the light is off for a period of time and then you turn it on). Metallic Thunder

Any drug that dilates the pupil of the eye is called?

Prozac can dilate the pupil of the eye.

When a person enters a dark room from bright light he can not see anything clearly for sometime and starts seeing slowly because?

Your pupil's have to adjust from the light to the dark so your pupils will get bigger in a dark room.

Colored part of the eye that contracts or relaxes in response to light?

The Iris contains the muscles that control Pupil size.

What is the function of lris?

A circular band of muscle that contracts and relaxes to make the pupil larger or smaller .