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The Greek God of dreams was Morpheus, and the drug named after him is morphine.

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12y ago

Morphine, after Morpheos.

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Q: Which drug is named after the Greek god of dreams?
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What drug was named for morpheus the greek god of dreams?

Morphine is the painkilling drug named after Morpheus.

What Greek god was named 'Morphine'?

'Morphine' came from the name of the god of dreams, Morpheus.

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Morphine and other such compounds are named after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams, for the dream-like state that is often the effect of such medications.

Why is morphine named after morpheus?

Morphine comes from the greek word Morpheus which is the God of dreams, it is named this due to its narcotic effects

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Morphine, named after the Greek god Morpheus.

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Morpheus is the greek god of dreams.

Greek god of dreams?

The Greek god of dreams was Morpheus. He was the son of Hypnos (sleep) and Pasithea (a grace). Morpheus has the abilty to be able to take any human's form when he goes into a dream. His symbol is the poppy.

What Greek god was in charge of sleep and dreams?

Hypnos is the god of sleep and Morpheus is the god of dreams.

The Greek father god was named?

The Greek father god was named Zeus.

Who is the God Morpheus?

Morpheus is the Greek god of dreams. He is the son of Somnus. He also makes an appearance in the Metamorphoses by Ovid.

Who is Morpheus the greek god of?

Morpheus was the Greek/Roman god of dreams, chief of them and son of Hypnos.

How does when you sleep relate to greek mythology?

Hypnos is the Greek god of sleep and Morpheus is the God of dreams.