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1. Dry (Semiarid and Arid) climate often supports the deciduous forests. The average temperature of summer of semiarid is 26°C and winter is 11°C. The average temperature of summer of arid is 27°C and winter is 13°C.

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The temperate climate, or temperate forest.

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Q: Which ecosystem usually supports thick forests of deciduous trees?
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What is the climate for tropical deciduous forests?

The climate for tropical deciduous forests is warm during the summer and cold in the winter. The summers are usually wet, while the winters are dry.

What is the niche of a tree squirrel?

Tree squirrels live in deciduous forests usually.

Does a banana grow in deciduous forests?

no the conditions arent right. Bananas grow in tropical or subtropical countries where the forests are usually evergreen.

In the deciduous forest what countries can be found?

The deciduous forests in the USA grow around West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

How do the leaves indicate the adaptation of trees in deciduous forests?

deciduous forests see four distinct seasons spring, autumn , summer and autumn, the color of the leaves of tree changes.during winter,which is usually dry, the trees in these forests lose their leaves and are almost bare

In what forests do raccoons live?

Raccoons would only live in a hollow tree. Usually they make their dens in abandoned animal burrows, rock crevices, caves, storm sewers, abandoned buildings, attics, etc.

What is the difference between desert ecosystem and forest ecosystem?

Well, in the forest ecosystem, it has more plant life than the forest ecosystem.Also, their temperature's are different.And, the forest ecosystem is usually more humid then the desert ecosystem.The forest ecosystem is also probably cooler then the desert ecosystem, depending what either lives there or where the forest and desert is located.

How many deciduous forests are there in the world?

Diciduous forests vary too much to apply one number. However, there are usually several (perhaps anywhere from 10-1000?) species of tree depending on the region. Additionally there would be hundreds of species of smaller scrub bushes and grasses.

What is the normal climate for deciduous forests?

The temperature is usually around 50 degrees farenheit.It rains around 50 centimeters a year.

How do leaves indicate the adaptation of trees in temperate deciduous forest?

deciduous forests see four distinct seasons spring, autumn , summer and autumn, the color of the leaves of tree changes.during winter,which is usually dry, the trees in these forests lose their leaves and are almost bare

What is the wolf spider's ecosystem?

They usually live in warm environments, and in forests, they use poison venom to kill their prey.

What is monsoon forest?

Deciduous tropical forests that shed their leaves during the dry season, usually slightly less dense than normal rainforests.