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a doctorial degree

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Elle Mueller

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Q: Which education requirement give you the most flexibility when choosing a career?
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How do you feel when your parents are choosing a career for you?

Your parents shouldn't be choosing your career ! They should be asking you what you want t do when you leave full-time education. What would you do if they chose a career you didn't want (or feel capable) of doing ! Your career choice is yours - and yours alone.

Choosing An Accredited Career Institute?

A career institute can be an excellent solution for someone who is continuing their education or who is looking to focus on a specific area of study. One of the most important things to consider when choosing a career institute, however, is whether they are an accredited institution and how long they have been operating. This is because there are many non-accredited institutions that might seem legitimate, but that offer no real education credentials at all.

What are the major criteria for choosing a career?

Choose a career that you are interested in. A career is not like a shirt where you can just give it away if it doesn't fit.Choose a career that fits your lifestyle and needs.Pick a career that pays well, for you.Get a good education before. Getting a good, paying, secure job needs a good education. Get smart! Be smart!ilovecatz1234, hope it helped.

Is it bad to only consider money when choosing a career?

Yes , it is bad to only consider money when choosing a career.

What motivating you in choosing this carrier?

I believe the question should be "What motivated you in choosing this career?"

Choosing a career is very difficult?


What has the author Rupert Nelson Evans written?

Rupert Nelson Evans has written: 'Career education and vocational education' -- subject(s): Career education, Vocational education 'Career education in the middle/junior high school' -- subject(s): Career education, Vocational guidance

When was Career Education Corporation created?

Career Education Corporation was created in 1994.

What is the population of Career Education Corporation?

The population of Career Education Corporation is 14,479.

What are the advantages of taking bachelor of education?

The advantage is based on your overall career goals and objectives. If you have a specific career in mind and that career requires a bachelor's degree in education, then that would be the advantage of taking the degree. Thus, if you plan on becoming a teacher it would be more than an advantage, it would be a requirement. In addition, obtaining any degree would be an advantage within the workforce today.

Why should someone consider choosing a college education?

College is just one approach to a career. The best approach to a career is one that brings you to where you want to be. When you decide on a career, you must then look to see what is required to enter that field. Sometimes its college, sometimes it not. It just depends on the career of choice. That being said, a college education will open doors of opportunity in almost any field that would otherwise be closed without it.

What is the relation between career education and vocational education?

Career education is getting a degree for a permanent job or Career. Vocational education provides certificates for jobs, which can also be permanent or long-lasting.