

Which element has thea mass number of 23 and12 nuetrons?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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Sodium is a metal element. Atomic Mass number of it is 23.

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Q: Which element has thea mass number of 23 and12 nuetrons?
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How many nuetrons are in fluorine with a mass number of 19?

Fluorine is a non metal element. Mass number of it is 19.

How do you find the atomic mass number of an atom of an element?

add the number of protons and nuetrons together

The mass number of an element is equal to what of an element?

The sum of the number of protons and the number of nuetrons.

How do the nuetrons relate the the identity of an atom?

The number of neutrons and protons together constitutes the mass number of a single isotope of an element.

What is the total number of protons and neutron's in an atom called?

mass number = protons + nuetrons

Which isotopes of uncharged elements have different numbers?

The isotopes of the same element has the same atomic number. But the mass number (atomic mass) is different.

Given a number of protons and the elemental mass how do you determine the numbers of nuetrons?

Subtract the number of protons from the elemental mass number for the isotope of the element given to find the number of neutrons.

As the number of the isotopes of an element increases the number of protons?

Atomic mass increases with the ordered placement of the element of the periodic table. Conveniently, the number of protons, nuetrons and electrons also increase with numbered order on the table. Every element is assigned a number. This number is equal to the number of protons, nuetrons and electrons. I believe it's the nuetrons that make up the mass of the element, but not sure!

How do you calculate the amount of protons or neutrons in an element?

well you look at the periodic table of elements. the atomic number equals the number of protons. Then subtract the number of protons from the atomic mass (both protons and nuetrons have atomic mass units of 1 and electrons equal 0). That will give you the number of nuetrons.

How do you calculate a mass of am atom?

To calculate the atomic mass of an element, add up the mass of protons and nuetrons.

What number represents the protons and nuetrons?

The mass number

What is the atomic mass for the element carbon is 12.011?

the atomic mass of just pure carbon would be twelve. the atomic mass is only effected by the number of protons and numbers of nuetrons