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Q: Which element would form covalent bonds with sulfur?
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No. Carbon does not form ionic bonds, and in this case they are double-covalent bonds.

Would sulfur hexafluoride be classified as an ionic compound?

Sulfur hexafluoride has covalent bonds.

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What type of bond that will form between Si S?

Both are non-metals, so it will be covalent.

Would nitrogen and sulfur form a covalent bond?

Nitrogen and sulfur can form a covalent bond with up to four bonds. This creates a strong bond between the two atoms which can be difficult to break.

Does SF3 contain an ionic bond?

No sulfur and fluorine are both nonmetals so they would join with covalent bonds

Is sulfur hexachloride ionic or molecular?

This compound is generally considered covalent, because sulfur is not known to form any cation with a charge of +6, as would be required for the compound to be ionic, since fluoride ion always has a charge of -1.

Why does sulphur have a covalent bond?

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is covalent. This is determined because the compound begins with a nonmetal. When any compound begins with a nonmetal, it is covalent. If it were to begin with a metal, such as Magnesium Bromide, then it would be ionic due to the fact that the compound begins with a metal.

Would the bond between sulfur and iodine be ionic?

The electronegativities of sulfur and iodine are 2.58 and 2.66 respectively so we would predict that they would form a covalent bond. Compounds of sulfur and iodine were not known until comparatively recently. Now the following are known S2I2 does contain covalent bonds A salt containing the [S7I]+ cation whichiconsists of a seven membered sulfur ring with iodine attached to one of the S atoms- again theS-I bond is covalent.

How many covalent bonds would the element tellurium be expected to form in order to obey the octet rule?


Is SCl2 a double bond?

SrCl2 : Strontium chloride, would be ionically bonded because a metal (strontium) is bonded to a nonmetal (chlorine).