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Ag(silver), Au(gold), Pt(platinum), Cu(copper) are found in free state

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uwanyirijuru jeanne ...

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3y ago

can u answered me as help

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uwanyirijuru jeanne ...

Lvl 1
3y ago
explain with that quetion

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12y ago

gold, silver and platinum

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Q: Which elements found in free elemental state?
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Why most elements not found in the free state in nature?

Most elements are sufficiently reactive so it can not exist in elemental form.

Is chlorine found in its elemental state or combined with other elements?

Chlorine is never found free in nature. It is always combined with another or other elements into compounds. Chlorine is highly reactive, and it wants to borrow an electron from just anything it can get close to. In general, it actually wants to "steal" that electron to form an ionic bond, and sodium chloride (NaCl), which is table salt, is one example of a common chlorine compound.

A widely distributed nonmetal which is never found in its free elemental state?

There are many nonmetals that are rarely found in their elemental form naturally. One of the more widespread of these is chlorine. Because chlorine is so reactive, it is almost always present as compounds, such as sodium chloride.

Which metals occurs in a free state?

Gold, silver, and copper are some metals that occur in a free state in nature. These metals are typically found in their elemental form in nature, rather than combined with other elements in compounds.

Does iron occur in the free state?

Iron does not occur in its free state in nature due to its high reactivity. It is typically found in minerals such as hematite, magnetite, and siderite, which must be processed to extract the elemental iron.

Does copper occur in free state?

Yes. copper is one of the elements that may, with luck, be found in the native state.

Element never found in its free state?

Fluorine is an element that is never found in its free state in nature due to its high reactivity, forming compounds with other elements very quickly.

What element is a widely distributed nonmetal never found in its free elemental state and is an essential component in all cell protoplasm DNA and various animal tissues and bones?


Why are most element not found in free state in nature?

most elements have partly filled orbitals (or shells) and they try to gain, lose or share electrons so as to satisfy octet rule. Hence they are reactive and not generally found in free state

Why is all compounds molecules?

All elements and compounds are present in molecular state. They cannot be found as individual atoms. Atoms cannot exist in free state.

Is all molecules compound?

All elements and compounds are present in molecular state. They cannot be found as individual atoms. Atoms cannot exist in free state.

Which of the following groups in the periodic table contain elements so reactive that they are never found in the free state?

Group 1 (alkali metals) and Group 17 (halogens) in the periodic table contain elements that are highly reactive and are never found in their free state in nature. Alkali metals readily react with water or air, while halogens are highly reactive nonmetals that form compounds with other elements quickly.