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Adrenalin or supra-renal Gland

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Q: Which endocrine glands are found just above the kidneys and are responsible for producing fight or flight hormones?
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What hormone is responsible for producing blood?

The name of that hormone is erythropoietin. It is produced by your kidneys.

Which type of human body tissue forms hormones?

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Besides the endocrine system which other two systems maintain homeostasis?

The nervous system, which controls the endocrine glands, telling them when to release hormones The circulatory system, which transports the hormones to target cells You could also include the urinary system; whilst the kidneys are a part of the endocrine system, their other role is to excrete water & salts - the levels of both of which help to maintain homeostasis

What are inside of kidneys?


Characteristics of endocrine system?

One interesting fact is that the endocrine system has no ducts. Therefore, the hormones it produces are released directly into the bloodstream. The blood then carries it to the various parts. Also, the endocrine system is responsible for producing 30 distinct hormones. All these hormones have very distinct jobs to do. The rush of adrenaline one gets when facing adventure or fear is the result of the adrenal glands production of epinephrine hormone, or adrenaline as we otherwise know it. We must be thankful to the pineal gland for our sweet sleep. It secretes melatonin which regulates our sleep. It is responsible for the production of insulin. The failure to produce insulin will result in diabetes. The endocrine is the secret behind your energy levels thanks to the thyroid glands. The thyroid glands also help in metabolism. The hypothalamus is the one that makes you feel hunger and thirst. It also helps in body temperature. It aids the immune system by helping the body build resistance to disease. The human behavior is also controlled by the endocrine system when it affects the nervous system. It is accountable for sexual characteristics and development. It is the key player in regulating menstrual cycle and ovulation in women. It even plays a role in pregnancy by stimulating contractions during delivery. In fact, the endocrine system has a hand in almost all functions of the human body.

What gland is in the endocrine and nervous?

Yes, the endocrine system is different. The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones. It also is responsible for maintain homeostasis. GLANDS FOUND IN ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Hypothalimus: in brain receives info about Homeostas Pituitary Gland: in brain- controls human growth hormone Thyroid: in throat. Maitains motabilism Pancreas: under stomach- secretes insulin- Maintains blood sugar levels Adrenal Glands: Secretes adrenalin- atop the kidneys Testes (male): male sex gland Ovaries (female): female sex glands Hope this helps!!

What makes norepinephrine in the endocrine system?

epinephrine and nonrepinephrine are both made by the Adrenal Glands that are located on top of the kidneys. More specifically the Adrenal Cortex (outerpart) makes those two hormones.

How does the body balance water levels?

The kidneys maintain our water balance by producing urine of different concentrations.

Do kidneys produce hormones?


How does the endocrine system interact with the circulatory system interact?

The endocrine system works with the nervous system by sending hormones to cells and therefore having a reaction. It also works with the digestive system with the pancreas producing insulin. The urinary system because it works with water absorption in the kidneys.