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Q: Which energy source is the result of tiny sea creatures being compressed over millions year?
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How can coal run out?

Coal is the result of compressed organic material that died and was buried millions of years ago. The rate at which we are using coal theoretically means we will have used all the available coal in the earth's crust over the next century. However, in reality it will never truly run out, just become so scarce and so expensive that we will no longer be able to use it as a main source of our energy.

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Some legendary creatures are real while others may be a result of myths or fables. The Phoenix, the Mummy, Dinosaurs, and Mammoths are a few examples of legendary creatures.

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Energy which is a result of an object's height above the earth is potential energy.

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Sedimentary rocks that are made from compressed plants are called biologic sedimentary rocks. Accumulated carbon-rich plant material can result to the formation of coal.

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theoretically, no. The loss of air from within the can when it is compressed will result in less overall mass, so it will be lighter. It will be even more lighter if there is still liquid in the can before being compressed

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Infertility can be the result.

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As a result of friction, kinetic energy is commonly lost; the result is heat energy.

How is energy different from work?

They have the same units- Joules - so can be equated. Work is something actually done, and in doing work energy is expended, but you can also talk of doing work to store energy. For example in running a compressor to fill a cylinder with compressed gas, energy is supplied to the compressor motor, work is done by the compressor, and the result is stored energy in the gas. Fuels such as coal have potential or stored energy, which can be released to do work. So I think the fundamental is energy, but when energy is used, work results. Hope that makes sense!