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Cell Respiration is like the opposite of photosynthesis. Oxygen and sugar go in and the products are carbon dioxide, water and energy.

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Q: Which energy system has bi-products of carbon dioxide heat and water?
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What is the system function of the Respiratory System?

The function of the respiratory system is to allow gas exchange it, taking oxygen into the blood and removing carbon dioxide from the blood. The oxygen absorbed is used by the body cells to carry out respiration, the release of energy from food: sugar + oxygen ----> water + carbon dioxide + ENERGY The carbon dioxide made by respiration is removed when we breathe out.

Where is energy released after food is broken down into carbon dioxide and water?

digestive system

What is Carbon dioxide - bicarbonate system?

Co2 is carbon dioxide that is used for paintball guns

Carbon dioxide is the waste of what systems?

The waste product of carbon dioxide is primarily produced by the metabolic processes of living organisms, specifically the respiratory system in animals and the photosynthetic system in plants. It is a byproduct of cellular respiration in animals, where oxygen is used to break down food molecules to produce energy, releasing carbon dioxide as a waste product. In plants, carbon dioxide is absorbed during photosynthesis, which converts it into oxygen and glucose.

What gas does the respiratory system get rid of?

The respiratory system utilises oxygen from the environmrntal gases and expires carbon dioxide (CO2).

What role does oxygen and carbon dioxide play in the circulatory system?

The lungs use oxygen and carbon dioxide through cellular respiration.

Waste products of respiration?

The products of aerobic respiration are CO2, H2O, and ATP. The CO2 is excreted when you exhale and the H2O (water) is removed through the excretory system. The ATP is a form of energy used by the body.

Is the respiratory system is the system that moves oxygen into your body and takes carbon dioxide and water out?

The respiratory system moves oxygen in and carbon dioxide (CO2) out.

Does the circulatory system take up carbon dioxide or oxygen?

The circulatory system takes up oxygen, and releases carbon dioxide.

Which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the blood?

The lungs are where carbon dioxide exchange takes place. Part of the respiratory system.

How does the energy system works?

The Aerobic Energy system works via the breakdown of carbohydrates by oxygen. The by products of this process are water (in sweat) carbon dioxide (in breath) and heat (produced by the muscles).

Why can you pour carbon dioxide gas?

Because it is a waste product of the respiratory system. We inhale air. Our longs filter out the needed oxygen which is sent to the tissues of our body. In the process, the lungs get rid of waste by exhaling carbon dioxide. Every cell in your body needs energy to live. They get their energy by reacting sugar (from food) with oxygen (which we breath in). This reaction, called respiration, releases energy and the waste products water and carbon dioxide. We get rid of the water as urine and the carbon dioxide is removed from our bodies through our lungs. We breath it out to get rid of it.