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No carbohydrate digestion occurs in the stomach. Most of carbohydrate digestion is in the small intestine by the pancreatic amylase enzyme.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Carbose and glutenzyme.

Bread is hard for all of us to digest and almost impossible to assimilate from my experience.

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10y ago

Enzymes generally only moderate the breakdown of a few types of molecules, and often, don't digest them fully, so there is no one enzyme responsible for the digestion of ALL food.

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Q: Which enzyme digests Carbohydrates in stomach?
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Does carbohydrate belong to amylase?

No. Amylase is an enzyme in your mouth and your small intestine that digests carbohydrates.

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There are many digestive juices in your stomach, the main ones are hydrochloric acid (HCl) and peptin. Peptin is an enzyme that digests proteins and HCl is an acid that dissolves most everything else. The stomach can only digest proteins. Carbohydrates and lipids are digested in the small intestine, where most digestion takes place.

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Amylase is the enzyme that digests starch.

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The stomach digests the food by moving and making it into acid.

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No, insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas to lower a person's blood sugar level. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up a biological process. An example of an enzyme is 'Amylase' this enzyme is found in saliva and is responsible for the initial breakdown of sugar before entering the stomach.

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The enzyme that digests starts is known as amylase. Carbohydrate enzymes are also known for the breakdown of starts into sugar.

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