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Neolithic Era

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Q: Which era saw the rise of more organized religion and the construction of huge stone monuments called megaliths?
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What is the object of religion?

The object of religion is to provide a framework for understanding the meaning and purpose of life, as well as to guide individuals in their moral and ethical choices. It often involves beliefs in higher powers or spiritual forces and practices such as prayer, worship, and community rituals. Religion can also offer individuals a sense of comfort, hope, and connection to something greater than themselves.

What year was the State Shinto religion organized?

it was organized in 1868

Why did people of the neolithic era put up megaliths instead of another kind of monument?

The reasons for erecting megaliths in the Neolithic era are not fully understood. However, some theories suggest that megaliths served as markers for burial grounds or religious and ceremonial purposes. They may have also been a symbol of social status or acted as communal gathering places. The specific cultural, spiritual, and social significance of megaliths likely varied among different Neolithic communities.

Is Christianity an organized religion?

Yes, it is.

How is Sikhism organized?

It is not an organised religion

Does Sarah Michelle gellar believe in God?

Yes,but she said she does not belong to an organized religion.

Which property includes buildings dedicated to religion art and historic monuments?

That would be considered cultural property, which includes structures like churches, temples, mosques, art galleries, museums, and historic landmarks that hold significant cultural and historical value. These places are preserved for their importance to society and represent our shared heritage.

What is the religion of Stevie nicks?

Stevie Nicks is known to have studied several religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, and Native American spirituality. She has expressed a deep spiritual connection to nature and incorporates elements of these various beliefs into her music and personal philosophy. Ultimately, Nicks' spiritual beliefs are personal and may not adhere strictly to any one organized religion.

What is Obedience to political authority and organized religion?

It is Conservatism.

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What are some benefits to society from religion?

i believe that organized religion provides no decency in society. attacks of terrorism are said to be carried out in favor of religion. children are molested by priests, who are bound by rules of religion. i truly believe that a world without organized religion would be a better one.

What is Maynard James Keenan's true religion?

Maynard is athiest Maynard is against organized religion