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Q: Which event in Latin and South America did not lead to the Monroe Doctrine?
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Which region did Monroe direct most of his Monroe Doctrine?

South and Latin America.

The Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in response to revolutions in?

south america

Which area did Monroe doctrine aim to free from European influence?

the Western Hemisphere

The Monroe Doctrine was designed to protect new democracies in South America?

Is it false that the Monroe Doctrine was intended to reduce the threat of interference in the affairs of the new Latin American republics. The correct answer is European.

What warned European nations to stay out of Latin American affairs?

The Monroe Doctrine warned the European nations against efforts to colonize or otherwise interfere with existing states and territories in North and South America. The doctrine gave the European colonies the same courtesy from the United States.

What is a summary for the Monroe doctrine?

Europe: Yay, colonizing for personal gain! Monroe Doctrine: Not anymore! Stay out of South America!

What parts of the world did the Monroe doctrine affect?

The Monroe Doctrine affected south, central America. Also it made it so any European nations could not settle in the Americas but European immigrants could move to the Americas.

What are the differences between the Roosevelt corollary and the Monroe doctrine?

Monroe Doctrine warns Europe not to invade the American continents, not american colonies, while the Roosevelt Corollary warns Europe not to invade countries south of the U.S. in the Western Hemisphere.

Did the U.S. intervene in the affairs of Latin America?

{| |- | The US was heavily involved in South America. The Monroe Doctrine was the policy used to justify that involvement. South America was in our backyard and we didn't want hostile elements and instability to control the events there. |}

Who was protected by the policy known as the monroe doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine protected the Americas from colonization by other nations.

Why was the Monroe doctrine speech important?

The Monroe Doctrine stated that any European efforts to colonize or interfere with North or South America would be considered an aggressive act.

Which America policy was meant to keep European countries from getting involved in north and south America?

The Monroe Doctrine