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the invasion of french by several foreign armies

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Q: Which event was an immediate cause of the reign of terror during the french revolution?
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Who is Max Robespierre?

Maximilien Robespierre was a politician as well as a lawyer. He was born in Arras, Artois, France in 1758. He fought to abolish slavery, and for the right for all men to vote, as well as other causes. Robespierre was a central figure during the French Revolution.

Which war led to the creation of a short lived republic whose leaders resorted to a reign of terror during national crisis?

The French Revolution (1789) led to the regicide of King Louis XVI and the declaration of a the First French Republic.

What was Robespierre's goal during the Reign of Terror?

His goal in the French Revolution was to execute all the corruption in France. He had the King and Queen beheaded, and he did public displays of torture or killings. He made theses killings as a sort of show almost. During this time it was called "The Reign of Terror", later Robespeirre was also beheaded.

How many people died during the glorious revolution?

The French Revolution entered the period of the Terror in 1793-1794. This was a very bloody year seeing to the death of over 40,000 people.

Who was in charge during the Reign of Terror?

The National Convention was still in charge during the reign of terror, although they had delegated a great number of responsibilities to a group of 12 leaders known as the Committee of Public Safety. Some brief elaboration about this committee: Their ruthlessness had two purposes: to seize control of the revolution and to prosecute all counterrevolutionaries. They said this all in a simple phrase "to make terror the order of the day". The idea of a radical revolution also applies here, with the French longing for no potential adversary that could crush their revolution. The committee was the one who started the Reign of Terror. Robespierre gets that accolade. The Reign of Terror was used as a way to eradicate the "enemies of the revolution." During this stage of the Revolution, the Jacobin Club used the threat of death as a way to maintain political superiority over its rivals.

Related questions

What event was an immediate cause of reign of terror during the french revolution?

Fear of a Royalist counter revolution.

Which event caused an immediate cause of the reign of terror during french revolution?

the invasion of french by several foreign armies

The Reign of Terror was during what phase of the French Revolution?

The 2nd or Radical Phase of the French Revolution

Did the Reign of Terror happen during the American Revolution?

No, it is related to the French Revolution.

What man ushered in the reign of terror phase of the French Revolution?

The person who inaugurated the Reign of Terror during the French revolution was Maximillian Robespierre of the Jacobins.

A member of the French policital society that inaugurated the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

The person who inaugurated the Reign of Terror during the French revolution was Maximillian Robespierre of the Jacobins. He was a member of the French political society.

Who led the Regine of terror?

Maximilien Robespierre led the reign of terror during the French revolution.

What man ushers the reign of terror phase of the French Revolution?

If there is a one single man who initiated cause the "reign of terror" during the French Revolution Robespierre can be blamed. Ultimately he became a victim of terror when he was executed.

What man ushered in the 'Reign of Terror' phase of the French Revolution?

If there is a one single man who initiated cause the "reign of terror" during the French Revolution Robespierre can be blamed. Ultimately he became a victim of terror when he was executed.

Member of french political society that inaugurated the reign of terror during french revolution?


What was used to execute people during French Revolution's Reign of terror?

The guillotine.

Was the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution political or religious?

Exclusively political.