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Q: Which executes first in a do.while loop?
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What is the difference between while dowhile?

While: If we can use while statement it will check the condition then proceed further loop statement.DoWhile: If we use dowhile, first execute loop statement then check the condition.

What is difference between while and dowhile?

the test condition will be checked first after wards the body of the loop will be excuted in while statement and the the do while statement represented the body of the loop will be executed first and then the test condition will checked next

Is a DOWHILE loop more flexible than a dountil loop?

No, they are equivalient. DO something WHILE condition; does the same thing as DO something UNTIL NOT condition;

What is unique about a DOWHILE loop?

A DO-WHILE loop will always execute at least one iteration of the loop body. This is because the condition that controls the loop comes at the end of the loop, rather than at the beginning as per a WHILE or FOR loop.

List out the differences between while and dowhile statement?

The do ..while loop is executed at least once, whereas the while loop may not be executed even once.

What is the difference between for-loop container and foreach-loop container in ssis?

foreach loop executes a predetermined number of times eg. list of items, rows in a table, etc. a for loop executes until a certain condition is met

Difference between do while and for loop?

for loop it consists of 3 parts 1. initialization 2. condition 3. incrementation like for(i=1;i<=10;i++).This loop executes 10 times. While loop: This is an entry check loop. First it checks for the condition and if the condition is true then only loop will be executed and this continues till the condition becomes false. ex: i=0; while(i<10) {i++; } This loop executes 10 times. Do loop: This is an exit check loop. This executes the loop at least once even when the condition is false. ex: 1=0; do { i++; }while(i<10);

What is the difference between dowhile loop dountil?

A do-while loop checks its termination condition before each iteration, including the first; a do-until checks after each iteration, so that the first iteration occurs before the first check. The C language uses the word "while" for both types of loop, using the placement of the condition to control its timing:C do-while:while (condition) { /* condition checked before first loop iteration */... loop contents}C do-until:do {... loop contents} while (condition); /* condition not checked until after first loop iteration */

What are the differences between iterations and loops in progamming?

A loop will loop for n iterations. Each times the program executes the code in the loop is an iteration.

What is counter loop?

A counted loop is a loop that executes the loop's statement a pre-determined number of times. The count represent the exit condition of the loop. A loop that is not counted is an infinite loop.

Is a while loop a pre-condition or post condition?

The while loop is a pre-condition loop.  It tests the condition at the beginning of each loop, executes the loop if it is true, and goes back to the test after executing each iteration.

What is the difference between while loop and for loop in matlab?

A while loop executes code inside the while block continuously until the said condition is not true. A for loop contains three parts. The first part is carried out prior to the for loop, the middle part is executed by the for loop until it is no longer true, and the final part is performed at the end of each go round of the loop.