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Q: Which exercise phase helps rid the muscles of lactic acid?
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The exercise phase where lactic acid is being produced?

Oxygen Defecit

The end product of the anaerobic phase of glucose metabolism is?

lactic acid

What role does the biceps muscle play in downward phase of close grip barbell press?

The close grip barbell press is an exercise that works out your Tricep muscle exclusively. Your bicep muscles do not play any part in the downward phase of this exercise.

What are the 3 major phases of Aerobics and its definition?

The three stages are: Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle and Electron Transport

Does fermentation releases lactic acid?

Your muscle cells do when you preform lactic acid fermentation.

During the anaerobic phase of respiration glucose is changed to?

for plants, it is mainly carbon dioxide. for nimals, it is lactic acid.

When performing push ups the concentric phase is?

when you push yourself away from the floor, the lowering phase is the eccentric phase concentric = shortening of muscles - i like to think of this as when the muscles are "working" eccentric = lengthening of muscles - i like to think of this as when the opposite muscles would work to perform the action - e.g. when biceps brachii is eccentric in a bicep curl it is on the lowering phase (i.e. elbow extension - usually performed by triceps brachii)

During which phase of the continuity cycle should a test training and exercise program be implemented?

Activation and relocation phase

What is active phase of respiration?

inspirationInpiration involves contraction of muscles. This is an energy requiring process

What muscles is contracting eccentrically during the lowering phase of lateral raise?

medial deltoids

What is used to push food in the throat during the voluntary phase of food mixing?

During the voluntary phase, the tongue aids in pushing and mixing food.Once the food enters the oesophagus, the muscles in the throat undergo a process known as peristalsis. During this phase, the muscles relax and contract to force the food from the mouth into the stomach.tongue

Identify the step that is not part of the exercise cycle planning phase?

Develop EOC instructions.