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Q: Which famous American does the newsies banner get the attention of?
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Hendrix played a famous version of what patriotic American song?

He played his famous and psychedelic version of the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock.

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The Star-Spangled Banner.

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Do you mean the Hulk David Banner?

Are there any poems about the American flag?

There are many poems about the American flag. The most famous one is "The Star Spangled Banner," which is also the National Anthem of the USA.

What is Francis Scott Key famous for doing?

Francis Scott Key is famous because he wrote the lyrics to the "Star-Spangled Banner" as a poem. Now, the "Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States.

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The famous song exactly written during James Madison's Career, Presidency was the Star Spangled Banner

What did Francis Scott Key do to make him famous?

he wrote the Star Spangeled Banner

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The Star Spangler Banner

What famous poem did francis Scott key wright?

Francis Scott Key wrote the famous poem "The Star-Spangled Banner." It was later set to music and became the national anthem of the United States.

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the star spangled banner

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Camryn Magness was born in 1999 and is most famous for being an actress and American pop singer. She first gained public attention through the video sharing site YouTube.

Would robin maxkii be getting attention if she wastn Indian?

uh no, the only reason she is famous is because she is an American Indian radical, its like sayinbg would kim kardfashiAN Be getting attention if she wasnt a skank or would William shatner get attention if he wasnt an actor. it's what they do.