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Q: Which fate of the mealybug would result from the inability of the species to reproduce?
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Give you a sentence for reproduce?

Followers of many religions see the only legimate purpose of sex is to enable the species to reproduce. If you reproduce the exact same steps, in the same order, you should acheive the same end result.

How does evolution by natural selection result in adaptibility?

Species or individuals capable of adaptation live to reproduce. The ones incapable of adapting, do not propagate their genes.

What is the result of natural selection?

The result is adaptation and evolution, as improved traits should increase the population of the best species over time.

How do isolation and natural selection result in new species?

Isolation prevents mating between the populations and in time different mutations will accumulate in each population so much that they will no longer be able to mate. The inability to interbreed is one of the definitions of different species.

How do species originate?

One mechanism is an "adaptive radiation" of one or more species into enter an area. These origin species over time reproduce and produce mutations. Given sufficient time these mutations may result in new and generations of adaptation from one generation to the next.

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Inability to form new memories.