

Which flying reptile lived the same time as the dinosaurs?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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There were many species of flying reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era. Some examples of them are Pteranodon, Pterodactyl, and Quetzalcoatlus.

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Q: Which flying reptile lived the same time as the dinosaurs?
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Can dinosaurers fly?

Dinosaurs could not not fly but pterosaurs lived during the dinosaurs age and they could fly. pterosaurs are not flying dinosaurs they are flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs. Some examples of Pterosaurs are: Pterodon Pterodactlus Hopee this helpsss! from Megggannn

Were pterodactyls dinosurs?

Pterodactylus were pterosaurs, and although pterosaurs are often called "flying dinosaurs," they were not dinosaurs. Pterosaurs were flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs, but they don't share the same common ancestor as dinosaurs and thus don't fall into the clade Dinosauria.

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You mean Plesiosaurus? Oh, nope, it's not a dinosaur at all, no dinosaurs back then could swim...or fly. "Flying Dinosaurs" are actually a different group of prehistoric reptiles. Same goes for "Swimming Dinosaurs."

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Were there dinosaurs that lived in sea?

No! Although this is a common mistake, all dinosaurs were land animals. All animals that lived in the sea at the same time as the dinosaurs weren't actually classed as dinosaurs even though they have similarities :)

The biggest flying dinosaur in the would?

The largest known pterosaur was quetzalcoatlus, with a 40 foot wingspan. However, while these flying reptiles live in the dinosaur time they were not dinosaurs. The true flying dinosaurs are birds. The largest flying bird known to have existed was Argentavis, which had a wingspan over 20 feet.

Was the Pterodactyl a bird?

No dinosaurs had wings. You are thinking of Pterosaurs, the most famous being Pterodactylus and Pteranodon.Edit: '''No dinosaurs had wings.''' That statement is wrong.There are around 10,000 species of dinosaur alive today with wings, we call them birds. There are many fossils of maniraptorian dinosaurs that show wings.The basal bird Archeopteryx, the dromeosaur Microraptor and the troodontid Anchiornis are some examples.The famous Velociraptor had quill knobs on its ulna, which show that it too had ''wings''.Wings in dinosaurs are only found in the theropod group, maniraptora.If your thinking of pterosaurs like Pterodactylus and Pteranodon then those are not considered dinosaurs.

Why are the same dinosaur bones found on different continents?

Dinosaurs lived before the continents separated from each other. Dinosaurs lived over wide areas in different places.

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Pterosaurs, which were flying reptiles, evolved around the same time that dinosaurs did. Birds evolved from dinosaurs during the Age of Dinosaurs, too.

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They are both varieties of aquatic reptile predators that went extinct long ago.

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No known species of dinosaur was ever able to fly despite birds being believed to have evolved from them. The flying reptiles such as the pterodactylus, tapejara, geosternbergia and ornithocheirus etc are collectively known as 'pterosaurs'. Their taxonomy is considered different from the dinosaurs. The largest of the pterosaurs to be discovered so far is the Quetzalcoatlus.