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Margaretta Barrows

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Q: Which folder does windows use to store files a user puts in a documents library?
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What folder does Windows use to store files a user puts in a document library?

My documents

Which folder does Windows use to store files a user puts in the Document library?


Why would the downloads disappear while downloading in LimeWire Pro v4 10?

look in your library folder on limewire. also try searching for the downloaded file by using windows search for files or folders. the downloaded files may be stored in a destnation folder like my documents that you overlooked

Can I upgrade windows xp home edition to professional without losing data?

yes, your old windows folder will be renamed to windows.old your program files, documents and settings folder will also be move to that folder as well.

Where to find Blockland Folder?

For Windows XP Go to: My Documents,For Windows Vista/7:Go to My computer or something like that,Then go to program files and its there

How do you move files from Ares to windows media player?

To move files from Ares to Windows media player, click on Library, found in Windows media player 11. Then click on Add to Library option and select the folder where Ares files were downloaded.

If you make your Documents folder private and reinstall new windows with new name can you give you permissions to access it?

If you have encrypted this folder than the answer is no. To make it possible to open encrypted files after Windows reinstall you have to uncheck "Encrypt files" checkbox in the file properties dialog.

Where Do Windows Update Files Get Stored?

update files are stored in windows software distribution folder. Name of the folder is downloads

How do sync LimeWire library to windows media center?

move all the files to the music folder shown when you press start

How do you put downloaded music into a folder?

Save downloaded files into documents folder then you open new folder in documents and send music into it.

What if my scanner doesn't ask me where to store my doc?

It is probably in the program files folder for your scanner or it is in my documents folder if you have windows. If you have a mac I can't help I don't have much experience with a mac.

How can you convert your saved realaudio files format in any supported format like mp3wavetc?

Use windows media player and sync the files to an mp3 player then go into the the contianing folder for the mp3 music and then drag and drop the files into a folder in the my documents and you should have mp3 files or wmv files.