

Which foods do bacteria least like?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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anything frozen, tinned or salted

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Q: Which foods do bacteria least like?
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What temperature kills the most bacteria?

High temperatures kill the most bacteria. These temperatures should be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit in foods like many meats.

Is bacteria good?

Yes some bacteria can be good. Like the type that are in foods.

Which foods do bacteria like most?

chocolate cake

Why do bacteria not like fruit?

Bacteria do like fruit - at least, some bacteria will do very well on some fruit.

Is bacteria helpful?

Bacteria can be helpful as it is found in foods like Yogurt and milk that can help you grow. So the answer is yes.

Does bacteria help make certain foods?

Yeast (a bacteria) is used when making products like bread and beer.

Give examples of foods that do not support bacterial growth?

Some foods that do not support the growth of bacteria include foods with a high sugar content, like honey or pastries.

What kind of beneficial bacteria are in food?

im not really sure but i think mould can be a good bacteria in foods like cheese

What is a list of foods found using bacteria?

Perhaps you mean to ask for foods made using bacteria?

What are the example of undesirable bacteria?

Undesirable Bacteria is a bacteria that can make our food to spoiled and can cost money..Some Undesirable bacteria can seen with our naked eye like worm in our foods if it was already rotten and spoiled..

What are 10 foods that are made from bacteria?

If you mean made using bacteria, they would include anything called 'cultured' like yogurt and some buttermilk.

Can bacteria preserve canned foods?

Actually canning foods is a way to kill off bacteria so that they will last a long time. But some foods are made by using bacteria and then those foods are sterilized while being canned. Sauerkraut and pickled foods are prepared this way. But the bacteria don't sterilize the food,the high heat does.