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In order to reduce a person's blood pressure, a person could lower their daily sodium intake to a more reasonable level - 1500mg per day or less. One could also reduce their alcohol intake.

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Q: Which foods exist that can be used to lower blood pressure?
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What are considered beneficial high blood pressure foods?

The worst high blood pressure foods are anything that is high in sodium like pickles. Garlic and dark chocloate help lower the blood pressure.

What foods are proven to lower blood pressure?

Foods that are proven to lower blood pressure include dark chocolate, garlic, yams, lima beans, beets, kiwis, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries.

Where can I find out about the foods that lower blood pressure?

Fruit and vegetables are the staple foods known to reduce blood pressure. Foods to avoid are ones with high levels of salt and also reduce alcohol intake.

Are there recipes available to help lower blood pressure?

There are recipes for high blood pressure folks and they probably consist of foods with less salt or sodium than regular foods. You can find them on

What meal plan provides recipes to lower blood pressure?

If you have low blood pressure you are mainly going to want to eat things that are low in sodium. Here is some additional information.���high-blood-pressure/���foods-that-lower-high-blood-pressure.html

What exactly can I do to diet and lower my blood pressure?

You can try to work on working in less salty foods into your diet. Foods that are high in salt can cause your blood pressure to raise so it is advised to avoid foods such as french fries or Chinese.

Can baked foods help lower high blood pressure?

Many fried foods tend to be high in cholesterol which can narrow arteries. So I would avoid them as much as you can.

Wate are good recipes for high blood pressure food that do not need salt?

If you have high blood pressure you can still eat some foods with salt in them, you just have to lower the amount of salt that you use in your foods. Such as stay away from foods such as pretzles.

What are some foods that lower blood pressure?

The most effective thing to do when trying to lower your blood pressure is watching your sodium intake. Opt for low fat foods and lots of fruits and veggies. For other ideas on lowering your blood pressure, I recommend this article:

What things are good to eat to lower blood pressure?

Oranges, sweat potatoes, skim milk, bananas are all good suggestions of foods that are helpful to lower one's blood pressure. Salmon, dark chocolate and the use of herbs and spices also contribute to helping to lower blood pressure.

What super food helps lower your blood pressure?

Low sodium foods are the best for lowering blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are very healthy options for healthy eating along with leans meats and organic foods.

What is the best diet to lower the blood pressure?

There are several foods that have been shown to lower your blood pressure that you could try. Those are garlic,pomegranate,dark chocolate, bananas,kiwi, beans of all kinds, tomatos, and fish have all been shown to help lower your blood pressure.