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There are several foods that can cause heartburn, so avoid those foods that trigger it. A good list of foods to prevent heartburn while pregnant would be vegetables, fruits, nothing with caffeine, do not eat big meals and drink lots of water. More detailed information can be found here:

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Q: Which foods would you recommend cooking while pregnant to avoid heartburn?
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What are some good cooking techniques to use to avoid causing heartburn in the future?

You can avoid heartburn by lowering the amount of spicy products in your food. You can also buy some over the counter medication for heartburn, and take it right before you eat. Either of these things will help.

Is it ok to have a litter box in your room while your pregnant?

No you should avoid those when you are pregnant. And even if you weren't pregnant I would recommend that you never have that where you sleep.

What kinds of foods cause heartburn?

To avoid heartburn one should avoid spicy foods, garlic and onions, grapefruit juice and orange juice, and many other foods.

Should you avoid foods that cause heartburn?

Chicken,beef,and pork are one of the most recommended food for heartburn. When you suffer from heartburn, you to try to stay away from food with acid.

What types of food should I avoid to avoid heartburn?

To avoid heartburn, try to stay away from the following: fried foods, chocolate, sweets with a high amount of butter, liquor, wine, coffee, tea, acidic fruits such as lemons or limes, marinara sauce, and rich dairy products. For more information, try reading this article on webmd,

S it okay to eat chef boyardee while pregnancy?

9 months today and I recommend that you don't and thats only because if your trying to avoid heartburn then I suggest you don't. lol

Can you learn to surf while pregnant?

Doctors will recommend that you avoid most physical sports while pregnant including surfing to avoid the risk of falling. I already knew how to surf and continued to throughout my entire pregnancy.

Where can I go online to find heartburn foods to avoid? has an excellent list of food to avoid if you are prone to heartburn. Here is a link to that article:

What are some food to avoid that can cause heartburn?

The best way to avoid heartburn is to eat healthy foods. Heartburn can be caused by fried, fatty, or greasy foods, and by thick, creamy dairy products. Eating baked or steamed food instead of fried food and lowfat milk products or soy milk products can cut down on heartburn from those sources. If the heartburn is instead a result of acid reflux, it would be good to avoid sodas, spicy foods, or acidic foods like oranges.

Heartburn in early pregnancy?

Heartburn is normal during the time of pregnancy. It is not necessary that everyone will experience heartburn during pregnancy. It totally depends on the diet that you are following and how you are sleeping. In order to avoid heartburn during pregnancy you must make some changes in your food eating habits and use the pregnancy pillow kit that will help you to get better sleep without making any kind of discomfort for the pregnant ladies.You can also order one for you from Maternity Pillow Reviews.

Can beer cause heartburn?

Beer can cause heartburn. In order to avoid this condition, either refrain from drinking beer, or don't drink on an empty stomach.

Can you tell me which foods cause heartburn and acid reflux?

If you have heartburn or acid reflux disease eating foods can be challenging. You need to stay away from very spicy foods as they cause flare ups.���heartburn-gerd/guide/���heartburn-foods-to-avoid