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The force of gravity causes the downward movement of the paper rotor. As the rotor spins, gravity pulls the paper down towards the collection bin.

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Q: Which force causes downward movement of the paper rotor?
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Which force causes the downward movement of the paper?


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The force of gravity pulls the screwed up piece of paper downward. This force is a result of the mass of the paper interacting with the Earth's gravitational field.

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This is because of the atmospheric pressure exerting a downward force on the paper.

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When you pick up a piece of paper, the forces involved are gravity pulling the paper downward, your hand applying an upward force to lift the paper, and the normal force of the paper against your hand preventing it from falling through.

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No, looking at a piece of paper cannot physically lift it. Gravity acts as a force that pulls objects downward, so visual observation alone cannot counteract gravity's influence on the paper.

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The force that holds a picture on a wall is the force of friction between the picture hook/nail and the wall, as well as gravity acting on the picture downward. These forces combine to keep the picture in place.

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When tissue paper is lit on fire, the heat causes the air inside the paper to expand, creating a force that pushes the paper upwards. This rising effect is due to the rapid combustion of the tissue paper, which releases energy and gases that propel the paper upwards.

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Heating a metal rod can cause it to expand and change shape due to thermal expansion. This is because as the temperature increases, the particles within the metal gain energy and move further apart, causing the metal to elongate.

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When you push the paper boat with your finger, your finger applies a force to the boat and transfers energy to it. This energy causes the boat to move forward due to the force applied, propelling it across the water.

How does the mass of the piece of paper compare with the mass of the paper airplane?

The peice of paper compares to the paper airplane because they both have the same mass. Whether a paper is flat,folded in half or is shaped into a fancy paper boat it will always have the same amount of mass.