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In general the Middle Classes. The word comes from the French language meaning ' a body of freemen in a French town'. The middle class as distinct from a 'peasant'

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Q: Which french group did the bourgeoisie belonged to?
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Which group did the bourgeoisie belong to?

This group was made up of the middle class of the French. Mainly the 3rd class. The 1st class was Priests while the 2nd class was made up of Nobles and wealthy landowners. 3rd class were wealthy peasants and the bourgeoisie.

Which Estate did the bourgeoisie belong to?

The Third Estate was the estate in which the bourgeoisie belonged to.

Most of the French liberals were what?

The bourgeoisie.

The french middle class society?


What was the French middle class called?

The French middle class was called the bourgeoisie. It consisted of merchants, professionals, and artisans who were between the nobility and the working class.

How do you use bourgeoisie?

When speaking of the French middle class, particularly during the French Revolution. ex: When the bourgeoisie revolted, they expressed their discontent by beheading the king.

What is the French middle class of society?

I believe the answer is bourgeoisie

Who were the bourgeoisie during the french revolution?

middle class people

French term for middle class?

les bourgeois - la bourgeoisie

Who did the French fight against in the French revolution?

The French revolutionists (the 3rd estate, the bourgeoisie) fought against their monarchical system.

Who did Montreal belong to French or Dutch?

Well it belonged to french

How did the bourgeoisie benefit from the revolution?

The bourgeoisie benefited greatly from the French Revolution. They were able to gain more rights overall as a country and were no longer ruled by a king.