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I'm guessing that by 'to gain blood', you mean increase the content of red blood cells in the circulation.

Dates is rich in iron, and is prescribed to all patients with anemia (decrease in the number of RBCs.)

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Q: Which fruit you need to have to gain blood?
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Fruit doesn't help produce blood.

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They gain very little because they urinate most of the liquid that they consume, digesting what they need.

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How do you gain blood?

eat good and fresh food eat which colour red it will help you to gain blood.

How much water does a bat need to drink?

Yes, baby bats suckle from their mothers. They are mammals.

If blood sugar is high is fresh fruit OK?

well it depends how high your blood sugar is and how high the carbs in the fruit is

Can you gain weight eating fruit?

Yes, you can gain weight eating fruit! Carbohydrates almost always cause weight gain, especially when overeaten. Fruit contains a great deal of fructose, which should be eaten in moderation to avoid weight gain. The good thing about fruit, is that it contains fiber which helps the body to avoid the sugar spike that you get from eating fiber-less sugary candy, etc. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid eating more than one piece of fruit a day. Also, NEVER drink fruit juice. Fruit juice contains all of the fructose from the fruit without any of the fiber. You might as well drink sugary soda.

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Why do fruit bats not drink blood?

because they are fruit bats, not vampire bats...

What fruits make you gain weight?

There aren't any real fruits that can make you gain weight, that is if you eat the right amount. But if you eat to much fruits then yes you can gain little weight But a sure way to gain weight while eating fruits is if you dip the fruit in some sort of fruit dip.