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I don't know if all people who are photosensitive are sensitive about the same colour's and lights but in my case, i think World of Warcraft has triggered my seizures.

I have been tested for epilepsy by EEG but they could not see anything.

But my 3 seizures (grand mal/tonic clonic f.y.i) have always occurred while I've been playing for many many hours, and all 3 cases have been when i have been playing World of Warcraft + fatigue.

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Q: Which game can cause epileptic seizures?
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Can an epileptic seizure cause visual hallucinations?

Yes. Many types of seizures can cause visual hallucinations, especially complex partial seizures that are centered in the occipital lobes. I have temporal lobe complex partial seizures and always have visual hallucinations. If this is your situation, I'd recommend getting it checked out with a neurologist. Good luck!

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Cdl regulations when you get epileptic seizure?

You need to hang it up. If you're prone to epileptic seizures, you're a hazard to yourself and to everyone around you.