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6mo ago

The gas in the atmosphere that protects life from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation is ozone (O3). The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere and acts as a shield, absorbing most of the UV radiation and preventing it from reaching the Earth's surface. Without ozone, excessive UV radiation would have damaging effects on living organisms.

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Q: Which gas in the atmosphere protect life from the sun's harmful?
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What protect us from the suns harmful radiation?

Actually, the atmosphere protects us from the suns harmful rays, but there is a hole in the ozone that allows some sun to get in so we can receive vitamin D.

Which part of the atmosphere shields humans from the suns harmful ways?

Ozone layer

Which part of the atmosphere shields humans from the suns harmful rays?

The ozone layer protects it.

How is the ozone layer of the atmosphere getting destroyed?

harmful gases concentrating the suns ray

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Does the atmosphere protect us from suns harmful rays?

If a "particle" (either a photon or an actual particle) strikes a molecule of air it will either be absorbed or will result in particles of less energy.

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protect you from the suns harmful rays and keep your muscles from showing.

What layer of the atmosphere protects humans from the suns rays?

Sun's rays are some useful and some harmful. UV rays are harmful. ozone protects us from it.

Does the atmosphere protect us from the suns UV rays?

Yes, the atmosphere protects us from the sun's Uv rays. The ozone layer does this job.

Why is the atmosphere important to life on earth?

it keeps the suns harmful rays out and it takes in the amount of sun light we need to keep the Earth from having another ice-age.It also provides weather which gives us rain. Rain is necessary to grow crops and food.

3 layers of the suns atmosphere?

well the suns pressure and the earths atmosphere