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Q: Which gas released into the atmosphere causes acid rain?
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What is an effect of fuel burns?

Co2 is released into the atmosphere and so is sulfur dioxide which causes acid rain

What is an effect of burning fossil fuels?

Co2 is released into the atmosphere and so is sulfur dioxide which causes acid rain

What are the causes of deforestation regarding atmosphere?

The principal cause is the acid rain.

What is the definition of acid rain?

Acid Rain -- Rain containing relatively high concentrations of acid-forming chemicals that have been released into the atmosphere and combined with water vapor; harmful to the environment.

Why is normal rain not regarded as a form of acid rain?

It depends on the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere. There is always an amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, and this causes a mild form of acid rain everywhere, so all rain is somewhat acidic. More extreme acid rain occurs from unregulated emissions from factories and power plants.

What does acid rain stand for?

Acid rain is caused by pollution, this is when chemicals such as sulphur dioxide go into the atmosphere and are presipitated (Rained) back into the atmosphere as acid rain

How does acid relate to acid rain?

Acid rain is the result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere.

How does rain turn into acid rain?

Air Pollution pollution from factories, smoke stacks, cars, ect is released into the atmosphere and since clouds are part of the atmosphere, the pollution gets in there as well. when it rains, it will be acid rain because of the pollutants in the clouds

What was the two main causes of acid rain in Germany?

Acid rain was caused in Germany due to a buildup of chemicals in the atmosphere. This is largely caused by pollution from factories and automobiles.

What are some suggestions for what you can do to prevent acid rain and the damage it causes?

Acid rain is generally formed when sulphur dioxide combines with water in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid or when nitrogen dioxide combines with water in the atmosphere to form nitric acid. Reducing the amounts of sulphur in gasoline or reducing the likelihood of vehicles creating nitrogen compounds reduces the amount of acid rain.

How is acid rain formed by dissolving?

The cause of acid rain is air pollution from burning fusel fuels nitrogen oxides (NOx). When exposed to the atmosphere, these react with water to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid, components of acid deposition. Power plants are one of the main causes of acid rain

What causes and acid rain?

smog is caused by a combination of smoke and fog whereas acid rain is a phenomenon whereby gases like sulphur and nitrogen oxide combines with water vapour in the atmosphere .