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Q: Which gland helps control sugar levels in the bloodstream?
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The pea-sized gland that is stimulated by light and helps regulate activity levels over the course of a day is the?

the pineal gland

What are the glands that affect metabolism?

First we have the thyroid gland; this gland helps regulates body metabolism or the rate of which glucose is oxidized. Next is the parathyroid gland, which helps regulate calcium levels in the blood and lower phosphate levels. And there is the the growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The hormone influences the growth of long bones and accelerate protein synthesis.

What does a pituitary gland have to do with puberty?

It triggers the puberty process and helps keep the hormone levels correct.

Which endocrine gland is under the control of the nervous system?

The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain that helps to control the endocrine system.

What is the function of the endicore system?

Do you mean the endocrine system? Because if so; The function of the endocrine system is to control hormones using specialized tissues and cells called Glands. For example, the Parathyroid gland helps to control calcium levels in the body. The adrenal gland produces adrenaline during exciting moments, or 'Fight or Flight' moments.

What group of glands helps the thyroid gland control blood calcium?

Its is the Parathyroid Glands

What endocrine gland regulates the bodys metabloism?

The whole system does it, not just one gland, but your thyroid gland is the most directly responsible. It wouldn't work without the pituitary and the rest of the system though.

What does the thyroids gland do for the human body?

The thyroid gland produces the hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which regulate both metabolism and growth, as well as calcitonin, which helps to maintain levels of calcium in the body.

What hormone controls levels of calcium in blood and helps maintain balance of phosphorus?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH), released by the parathyroid gland; and calcitonin, released by the thyroid gland, control the levels of phosphorus in the body. Most of the phosphorus in the body is stored in the form of phosphate (PO4) attached to calcium in the skeletal systems to form calcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2]. When PTH is released, excess phosphate is released into the urine and calcium is released from the skeletal system into the bloodstream. The calcitonin plays its part by helping form calcium phosphate molecules, where they become part of a mineral matrix in the bone. Because of the relationship between PTH and calcitonin, calcium and phosphate maintain proportionally inverse levels in the blood.

What gland helps with our immune system?

The Thymus gland.

What does the adrental gland helps regulate?

adrental gland

Which gland helps you to react quickly in emergencies?

the thyroid gland