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Q: Which gland is likely to be the cause of over-weight in some people and under-weight in others?
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Do people with anorexia get overweight?

No. Most anorexics, in fact, are either normal weight or underweight.

Why most of the vegeterian people are overweight?

Most vegetarians are underweight...... From my point of view. It really depends on where your from

Are you overweight if you have asthma?

Of course not. there are plenty of underweight people who have asthma. Weight doesn't determine whether you have asthma or not!

Are overweight people more eager to please others?

No, why would they be

Does an underweight adult have a lower risk of heart disease?

Not really, being underweight is a burden on your system just as being overweight is. Being as skinny as possible is not the same as being healthy, and being unhealthy in any way, is a burden on your heart. It is true that overweight people suffer more from heart disease but underweight people are at risk for multiple illnesses because lacking body fat and muscle means you cannot retain heat well. It is best to strive for a normal weight.

Can you die by eating what fat people eat?

Yes, if the fat people are eating bad foods. No if the fat people are eating healthy foods. Your question is unfair. Its not that fat (overweight) people eat dangerous food, its that they arent active enough to burn the calories they consume. You can become overweight eating apples. You can be underweight and eat cookies.

Is 88 pounds underweight average or overweight for a 13 year old girl?

you're at risk of becoming underweight you should try to bulk up a bit

Why does someone who weighs 81 pounds have a fat abdomen?

Starting from the premise that you understand that 81 pounds is not overweight for the person (based on height), the next question becomes, "is it a fat abdomen?"Probably not.In fact, many people who are UNDERWEIGHT are also in poor physical condition. A bulging abdomen is most likely caused by poor muscle tone. Many people who are underweight think that it's a good thing, but it's not. Often underweight people sacrifice muscle mass for lower weight.What holds in the intestines? Your abdominal muscles.The person with the bulging abdomen needs to eat rightAND exercise.

How many people have died because of underweight?

In the United States roughly 39.8 million, or 1 in 6, die from health risks related to being overweight every year.

What year did underweight begin?

There have always been underweight people.

How do you get a boy to like you when your overweight?

The honest truth is: weight matters more to some people than others. Some people simply will never "like you" if you are overweight; with others the sort of person you are matters more. There's no magic way to "get" someone to like you.

Why do people pick on you when your fat and not underweight?

To make themselves feel better about their own inadequacies they tend to lash out and 'pick on' others for their inadequacies.