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Q: Which god kept the same name when adopted from greek mythology by the Romans?
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Where are animals kept in Greek mythology?

where is the place where they kept animals in greek mythogy

Who kept hope in a jar in greek mythology?

jill and joespeh and me

How is Greek mythology connected to other things?

Greek history is very old and very wide spread, it was a Greek - Alexander the Great, who rode to conquer the world. This spread Greek religion, what we call Greek Mythology over the world and the Greeks mixed their gods with other peoples and the Egyptians - and in turn, when Roman rose as a Empire their gods and goddesses were renamed by the Romans who kept the Greek myths intact and added to them.

How did the Romans know about the Greek's ideas and their culture?

The island of Sicily was inhabited by the Greek people who were looking for a new place to live. When they got there, the Greek people kept their beliefs and shared them with the Italians. The Italian people enjoyed the stories and adopted the stories for themselves.

What did greek mythology gods do?

They kept the crops good they kept things in order and kept peace in the world pretty much.

What impact did Calypso have on Greek Mythology?

Calypso kept Odysseus from returning home for 7 years

When was Stheno born?

Stheno the Greek Gorgon is a part of Greek Mythology: she therefore did not have a birthdate, as the Greeks kept a calender we do not know the rotation of.

Why was Venus named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty?

Venus IS the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite is the Greek version. When the Romans created their civilization, they were inspired by other Mediterranean societies. They admired the Greek religion and mythology so much that they kept the same gods and goddesses, and kept the mythological tales. All they did to change the religion was change the names, with the exception of Apollo, the God of music, medicine, prophecy, and archery. His name stayed the same, proving the copy-catting of the Romans.

How does pacman relate to Greek mythology?

The maze that the pacman must go through is somewhat like the labrinth that the Minitour was kept in.

Did the Romans destroy all the artwork from cultures they conquered?

On the contrary the kept lots of Greek art, adored it and copied it.

Where were animals kept in Greek mythology?

Most wild animals were kept with artemis. Poseidon had sea creatures. Hades had the cebreus. Athena had the owl. Aphrodite had doves. Hera had peacocks.

Who is the principal Greek writer of mythology?

There are many writers who kept a history of Greek mythology, but the most famous of them is Homer, said to be blind, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Iliad was considered such a brilliant piece of work that many Greeks knew the epic poem by heart.