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Venus IS the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite is the Greek version. When the Romans created their civilization, they were inspired by other Mediterranean societies. They admired the Greek religion and mythology so much that they kept the same gods and goddesses, and kept the mythological tales. All they did to change the religion was change the names, with the exception of Apollo, the God of music, medicine, prophecy, and Archery. His name stayed the same, proving the copy-catting of the Romans.

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Q: Why was Venus named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty?
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The planet Venus is named after the mythical Roman goddess of beauty and love..

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Venus was named after the roman god of love and beauty.

Why Is Venus Named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty?

Venus the planet is named for the Roman goddess Venus who was goddess of love and beauty and identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess.

What god is venus named after?

The Roman goddess of love. Her Greek name is Aphrodite.

What was Venus named after?

Venus is named after the Roman god of love and beauty.

What is the planet named for the goddess of love and beauty?

Venus, a Roman goddess.

The Roman Goddess of Venas is goddess of what?

There was no goddess named Venas. However, there is a Roman goddess named Venus, who was the goddess of love and beauty. This goddess is named Aphrodite.

What planet is named greek goddess of love and beauty?

Venus, but she is the ROMAN goddess of love and beauty.

Who named Venus Venus?

Venus is named for the Roman goddess of beauty and love, equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

What is a Star or celestial object that is named for beauty?

The planet Venus is named for the Roman Goddess of beauty

Who is the Roman goddess Venus named after?

None of the gods in Greek or Roman mythology are really "named" after anything, sometimes their names mean things in Greek or Latin. Venus was the goddess of love and beauty, and the Greek goddess of love and beauty was Aphrodite. The Romans duplicated all the Greek myths, changing the names to Roman ones, so I guess you could say Venus was named after Aphrodite.

Where did Venus get its name?

Venus got its name from the Roman name for the Greek goddess of love.