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Q: Which god was depicted as a mummified youth with a lock of hair on his head?
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The goddess Artemis is depicted wearing a crescent moon on her head or in her hair.

What did Eris the Greek goddess wear on her head?

Eris Greek goddess of strife, discord, chaos, contention and rivalry is either depicted with her hair loose and flowing with nothing on her head or wearing a type of Alice band/tiara.

Who is depicted on the mercury head coins?

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Osiris was almost never depicted with any head but that of a human.

What has head but no hair - riddle?

A pin has a head but no hair

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Joseph is typically depicted wearing a colorful coat, not something specific on his head.

who was the god of mummification?

taken from Anubis, God of Mummification Anubis was the protective deity of cemetaries, credited with the invention of embalming because he helped Isis to preserve her brther Osiris, whose body wass the first to be mummified. Usually depicted as a reclining black jackal, or a man with a jackal head, he was thought to ward off scavengers. Osiris's blackness symbolized the rich soil of Egypt and the appearance of a mummified course.

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Hathor is often depicted with the head of a cow.

Why does Alistair Darling have different coloured facial hair from his hair on his head?

he died the hair on his head

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Can calamine lotion be used on the head and hair?

on the head yes on the hair no