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Rhoads, Dewey and Michie (Mark as Story) say that Mark's Gospel was designed to be performed orally by a narrator to an audience that would have, for the main part, been illiterate.

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Q: Which gospel was written for an audience?
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Was John's Gospel only for his community?

No. John's Gospel was written for all men in all ages that they might believe. It is universal in its intended audience.

What is the message in the gosple of Matthew?

That Jesus is the promised Messiah, as prophesied in the Old Testament. The Gospel was written for a largely Jewish audience.

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Who was involved in the Gospel of Mark?

We do not know who actually wrote Mark's Gospel, although the second-century Church Fathers attributed the Gospel to Paul's companion Mark. What we do know is that he was a brilliant author, skilled in the use of Greek rhetoric and with an excellent knowledge of the Greek classics and Hebrew scriptures. Rhoads, Dewey and Michie (Mark as Story) say that this gospel was written to be read out loud by skilled narrators to an 'ideal' audience. They believe the Gospel, properly performed by a narrator, had a dramatic effect on the audience.

For whom was the gospel written?

the gospel was written for sam

Whom was the audience john was writing to?

The audience John was writing to in the Gospel of John is believed to be primarily gentile Christians, as evidenced by his focus on theological themes and the universality of Jesus' message. This sets it apart from the synoptic Gospels, which were written with a more Jewish audience in mind.

Who was the Gospel written for?

the gospel is written for the world and specificly for the beleiver of the word of God

Who was the gospel of mark addressed to?

The Gospel of Mark was likely addressed to Roman Christians. Mark's Gospel emphasizes Jesus's actions and power, appealing to a Roman audience interested in power and authority. It is believed to have been written to encourage and strengthen the faith of early Roman Christians facing persecution.

Who was John's primary audience?

Unlike the other gospels, scholars are unsure regarding the intended audience of John's gospel. Some believe it was mainly a Gentile audience.

What group of people did mark write for?

Mark wrote for the Roman population. They were into power, so he addressed his gospel to them to show the power of Jesus. Matthew was written toward the Jews. Luke to the Greeks. John's gospel was written to show the love of Jesus.

Which gospel was written to early Christians?

It is likely that all the gospels were written to early Christians.Mark's Gospel was the first of the gospels, written around 70 CE. It appears to have been written to believers, although a secondary audience might have been the Romans who were suspicious of the new religion and who could have been pacified by being shown that Christians were actually Jews who also followed a holy man.Matthew's Gospel is often said to have been written to the Jews, but modern Jews say that errors in the Gospel would have quickly been detected by any Jews, and they do not believe that it could have been written for Jews. At most it was written for Jews of the diaspora and, if so, more likely for Jewish Christians. The author was at pains to demonstrate the antiquity of Christianity, by frequent references to the Old Testament, but this is more likely to have been defensive than to appeal to pious Jews.Luke's Gospel is addressed to an unknown patron, Theophilus. Some theologians see Theophilus as a symbolic name, representing all Christians. Whether or not there was a real Theophilus, few seem him as the primary audience for Luke. It was more likely written to members of a community that was already using a copy of Mark's Gospel and were therefore Christians. The author was at pains to demonstrate the historicity of Jesus so, like Matthew, this Gospel might have had as a secondary audience those who scoffed at the new religion.John's Gospel is widely considered to have been written to a local Christian community now known as the Johannine community. This may well have been a community of Gnostic Christians.