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Q: Which government behavior is involved in consumer-protective regulations?
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What happens to the expenses involved in compliance with government regulations?

passed on to the consumer

How can you help the government personally?

We can help the government personally by the following points: By paying the taxes within the time By following the rules and regulations formulated by the government By involving in development activities By not being involved in illegal activities

What is the government agency that is involved in production of autombiles?

There could be many such agencies depending on the country. Chiefly they would be involved with factors other than direct production, such as safety, pollution, production standards, employment regulations etc.

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Why does government become involved in labor relations?

Why is government involved in labour relation

The history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the?

Nuremberg Code The history of the ethical regulations in human subjects research began in the 1940s with the Nuremberg Code. Since then, the Federal Government has increased the awareness to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects by establishing regulatory codes and regulations. This section serves to provide a brief background on the history of the ethical regulations when human subjects are involved in research projects.

How involved should the government be in regulating foreign trade?

the government should be more involved than it is now but it is kind of involved

How involved should government be in regulating foreign trade?

the government should be more involved than it is now but it is kind of involved

Neoclassical explanation for criminal behavior?

Neo-classical school suggest that indulging in criminal behavior is considered an antisocial act. Hence, the government is allowed to give punishments and put penalties on those involved in crime, depending on the severity of the particular crime.

What regulations are involved with hedge funds?

It has been found that hedge fund regulations vary depending on the country. In the US some of the regulations are that they are subject to regulatory, reporting and record keeping requirements. Some also have regulations that prohibit manipulation and fraud.

To what extent are the states involved in regulating the electoral process?

states have certine regulations and laws

What level of governmental agency is responsible with bullying?

It depends on the type of bullying. Often, if the government is involved, it is the local government (the city or county in the US). But there are cases when the matter is severe, covers wide distances, or is related to federally regulated services. In that case, the federal goverment (namely the FBI) may get involved.