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The group on the very left of the Periodic Table.

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Q: Which group do you find the Alkali metals?
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What is the most reactive group of metals?

in group 1, the first column on the left Edit: these would be the alkali metals.

Is alkali metals a group 1 elements?

No that is group 2. Group 1 is called Alkali metals.

What is the family of the most active metals?

Group 1 metals or alkali metals

Which group has 1 valence electron?

Group 1- the Alkali metals and also Hydrogen.

What group would lithium be in on the periodic table?

They are in group one called the Alkali Metals.Those are alkali metals. They are the most reactive of all the metals, and they are in group 1 of the periodic table, all the way to the left.

Where are the alkali family?

Alkali metals: group 1 Alkaline earth metals: group 2

What are elements called in group 1?

Alkali metals

Which elements has the largest atomic radii in periodic table?

The atomic radii of members of the Group 1A (Alkali metals), increases down the group. Therefore Francium has the largest atomic radius of the Alkali metals. However Fr has no stable isotopes, thus is not naturally occurring. So Cs-133 is the largest you can find.

Where do you find an alkali?

Alkali is a group of elements, not just one specific elements. Alkali metals are Group 1A elements starting with Hydrogen then lithium and so on.

Why are group 1 metals knowns as alkali metals?

Group 1 elements are known as alkali metals because they react with water to form alkali (or bases).

Which set of elements make up the reactive group of all metals?

The alkali metals in column 1 of most wide-form periodic tables.

What is francium and the alkali metals?

Francium is a member of the alkali metals group (group 1 of the periodic table).