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Q: Which group governs the way a convention is run?
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What group governs the way a convention is run?

Precinct Captains

Where is the Pokemon convention for diamond?

The only way to get certain Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond is to go to a certain convention. These conventions are no longer run.

A special way a nation governs itself?

A political system

What music group sings walk the way?

did you mean "Walk this Way"? Walk this Way was originally done by Aerosmith, and then remade in the '80s with help from Run DMC.

Did George Washington have a gun at the constitutional convention?

No way! >:(

What is a way to ammend the Constitution?

formal- congress propose/ national convention propose---- then state legislature/state convention can ratify

What does the mathematical term convention mean?

Convention is not a mathematical term: it means what is generally done or an accepted way of doing something.

How has Europe's government changed?

Europe is a continent and does not have a single form of government. Each country governs in its own way.

Is there significance of government?

A government governs the state for the people as representative of the people as an indirect way by the people for the welfare of the society.

What are the set of rules that governs the way the internet works?

There are no rules in the internet. You are free to do whatever you want (within reason)

How does the president leadership style affect the way he governs?

It affects significantly since if he is dictatorial then it will be seen on people around him.

Who discovered bodmas rule?

The BODMAS rule was not discovered: it was invented as a convention. The purpose in setting out the convention was so that calculations were carried out in the same way by different people and at different times.